First Half of 19th Century
It was discovered that glycogen was in the liver and would secrete sugar into the blood stream if one is hypotontic. This was discovered by Claude Bernard. -
Von Mering
Disproved Bernard's theory when he found that removing the pancreas caused diabetes. Thought that an antidiabetic substance could be extracted from the pancreas. -
Fredrick Banting, J.J.R. Macloud, and Charles Best
Discovered insulin by conducting an experiment in which they extracted an atrophied pancreas from a dog and placed it into a dog with diabetes. The dog only died when there was no more extract, and the control dog died after only 4 days -
Insulins First Use
14-year old boy receives insuulin. This was the first time this was used on a human. However this was a failure -
J.B. Collip
J.B. Collip created more purified injections -
Mass Production of Insulin
Eli Lilly began producing insulin comercially. This insulin was being used to treat diabetes in several countries. However this insulin was impure and had to be injected twice daily which led to pain and abscesses -
J.J. Abel
J.J. Abel crystalized insulin -
Protamine Zinc Insulin
Protamine zinc insulin was first introduced. Protamine zinc insulin is a long-acting insulin crystals -
Lente Insulins
Lente insulins were introduced which was more pure and contained less pancreatic peptides. -
Solomon Berson and Rosalind Yalow
Solomon Berson and Rosalind Yalow were able to measure mintue concentrations of insulin by performing an immunoassay -
Three Dimensions Discovered
Dorothy Hodgin won the Nobel Prize for discovering the three dimensional structure of the insulin molecule -
Insulin Today
Can be mass produced using recombinant technology. It also allow for mass quantities for a variety of different types of insulin based on each individual. It can also be taken several different ways including insulin jet injectors, inhalable insulin, external insulin pumps, insulin pens, and injections with a syringe