Evolution of Democracy

  • Jan 1, 1215

    King John I: Magna Carta

    -Must have witnesses
    -Can’t put people in jail, or take away there freedom without using the law system
  • Period: Jan 1, 1215 to

    Evolution of Democracy

  • The Code of King Hammurbai

    -If you hurt someone else, that will happen to you too
    -All about protecting the people
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    -No body could authorize anything that was not from the nation
    -Your freedom is only guaranteed if it is not harming anyone else
  • New Zealand: Election Act

    -Woman can now vote
  • Amendment XV Constitution of the U.S

    -All citizens can vote
    -Can’t be denied by race or colour
  • U.N Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    -Equal rights and opportunities for all races and coloured people
    -Teach respect to these new rights
  • European Member States

    -Reinforcing human rights, freedom, and a democracy government
    -Enhance functioning
  • John Locke: Concerning Civil Government

    All law is by the people
    Don’t lose your freedom