
Evolution of Computers

  • First Mechanical Device: Mechanical Calculator

    First Mechanical Device: Mechanical Calculator
    Invented by Blaise Pascal and it was called Pascal's Calculator. It was the only working mechanical device in the 17th century
  • Thomas' Arithmometer

    Thomas' Arithmometer
    The first successful commercial calculator to be used daily in offices
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    Start of the Electromechanical Devices

    Leonardo Torres y Quevedo built two analytical machines with electromechanical memory
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    First Generation-Purpose Computer: Stored Program

    Steadily more powerful and flexible computing devices were constructed
  • ASCC/Mark I

    ASCC/Mark I
    Howard Aiken presented the first programmable calculator to IBM that would succeed and end up being used for many years to come
  • Mainframes

    First IBM mainframe

    the first ever general purpose digital electronic computer was built. The machine was called the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). It cost over $500,000 (around $6 million today), weighed around 30 tons and took up 1800 square feet. Further, it featured 17,468 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 7,200 diodes, 10,000 capacitors, and most impressively of all there were around 5 million joints that needed to be hand-soldered. It took 160KW of elitrical power to keep this running!
  • IBM's SSEC

    IBM's SSEC
    IBM´s Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator computed scientific data in public display near the company´s Manhattan headquarters.
    Speed: 50 multiplications per second
    Input/output: cards, punched tape
    Memory type: punched tape, vacuum tubes, relays
    Technology: 20,000 relays, 12,500 vacuum tubes
    Floor space: 25 feet by 40 feet
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    Second Generation Computers:High level Programming Languages

    high-level programming language is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In comparison to low-level programming languages, it may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or may automate significant areas of computing systems making the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable relative to a lower-level language
  • 701

    IBM shipped its first electronic computer, the 701. During three years of production, IBM sold 19 machines to research laboratories, aircraft companies, and the federal government.

    The first FORTRAN manual came out and was first used for the IBM 704

    short for ALGOrithmic Language It was the standard method for algorithm description used by the ACM in textbooks and academic sources for more than thirty years. There was also ALGOL 58 ALGOL 60 and ALGOL 68
  • fortran

    Versions of FORTRAN were available for the IBM 709, 650, 1620, and 7090 computers
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    Third Generation: Main frames

  • Alto Computer

    Alto Computer
    Researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed the Alto — the first work station with a built-in mouse for input. The Alto stored several files simultaneously in windows, offered menus and icons, and could link to a local area network. Although Xerox never sold the Alto commercially, it gave a number of them to universities. Engineers later incorporated its features into work stations and personal computers.
  • Apple-1

    Steve Wozniak, a young American electronics expert, designed the Apple-1, a single-board computer for hobbyists. With an order for 50 assembled systems from Mountain View, California computer store The Byte Shop in hand, he and best friend Steve Jobs started a new company, naming it Apple Computer, Inc.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    apple II became an instant success with its printed circuit motherboard, switching power supply, keyboard, case assembly, manual, game paddles, A/C powercord, and cassette tape with the computer game "Breakout."
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    Fourth Generation: Personal Computers

  • First PC

    First PC
    IBM introduced its PC, igniting a fast growth of the personal computer market. The first PC ran on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor and used Microsoft´s MS-DOS operating system.
  • Osborne-1

    Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer called the Osborne-1 which weighed 24 pounds
  • Macintosh

    Apple Computer launched the Macintosh, the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphic user interface
  • windows

    microsoft announces windows in response to Apple's Lisa
  • PS/2

    IBM introduced its PS/2 machines, which made the 3 1/2-inch floppy disk drive and video graphics array standard for IBM computers. The first IBMs to include Intel´s 80386 chip, the company had shipped more than 1 million units by the end of the year. IBM released a new operating system, OS/2, at the same time, allowing the use of a mouse with IBMs for the first time.
  • HP Pavilion

    personal computer produced by Hewitt-Packard in 1995. The name is referred to desktops and laptops for the Home and Home office product range. It also included a hard CD-ROM
  • Wi-Fi

    The term Wi-Fi becomes part of the computing language and users begin connecting to the Internet without wires.
  • Mac Os X

    Mac Os X
    Apple unveils the Mac OS X operating system, which provides protected memory architecture and pre-emptive multi-tasking, among other benefits. Not to be outdone, Microsoft rolls out Windows XP, which has a significantly redesigned GUI.
  • Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro
    Apple introduces the MacBook Pro, its first Intel-based, dual-core mobile computer, as well as an Intel-based iMac. Nintendo’s Wii hits the market.
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    iPhone, iPod, & iPad

    Apple launches its first iphone and many more products after that. Such as the iPad and iPods
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    Microsoft launches Windows 7, which offers the ability to pin applications to the taskbar and advances in touch and handwriting recognition, among other features.