Evolution of Computer

  • Period: to

    The Emergence of Computer

    In this period, the world sees the emergence of early computer technologies, which would later give birth to the modern computer devices humans are currently using.
  • Progenitor of Computer

    Progenitor of Computer
    Knwn as the "Model K" Adder, a simple demonstration circuit is built that provides proof of concept for applying Boolean logic to the design of the Computer. This results in construction of the relay-based Model I Complex Calculator in 1939.
  • Birth of the Computer

    ENIAC, an invention by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchley, is the first computer invented. It used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons. This invention marks the birth of the era of computer.
  • CDC 6600 Supercomputer

    CDC 6600 Supercomputer
    Being one of the earliest supercomputer developed, CDC 6600 is honoured as the fastest computer in the world until it is replace by faster supercomputer.
  • Motorola Introduces the 68000 Microprocessor

    Motorola Introduces the 68000 Microprocessor
    This processor exhibited a processing speed far greater than its contemporaries. This processor could be found in powerful work stations intended for graphic-intensive programs in engineering.
  • Launch of Macintosh

    Launch of Macintosh
    Apple introduces the Macintosh in 1984. Based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor, the computer is the first computer using a mouse.
  • First Camera Phone Introduced

    First Camera Phone Introduced
    Japan's Softbank introduces the first camera phone, the Phone J-SH04. The camera had a maximum resolution of 0.11 megapixels a 256 color display, and photos could be shared wirelessly.
  • The Release of Mac OS X, A New Revolution of Computer

    The Release of Mac OS X, A New Revolution of Computer
    Mac OS X is released. It was a significant departure from the classic Mac OS as it was based on the Unix-like operating systems FreeBSD, NetBSD and NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP. OS X introduced a more stable and reliable platform and multiple applications could more efficiently be run at the same time. Mac OS X 10.7 (“Lion”) was the first version to support 64-bit Intel processors. It came pre-installed on all Macs beginning in 2011.
  • Fastest Supercomputer Developed

    Fastest Supercomputer Developed
    Developed by the Japanese government to create global climate models, the Earth Simulator is a massively parallel, vector-based system that costs nearly 60 billion yen ($600,000,000). It is listed as the fastest supercomputer from 2002 to 2004.
  • The Macbook Air is Released

    The Macbook Air is Released
  • Supercomputer in China

    Supercomputer in China
    In 2013, China has developed Tianhe 1 Supercomputer. The computer is fully operational and is used to run scientific experiments. This is an example of how much computer technology has progressed within a short period of time.
  • The Release of iPad

    The Release of iPad
    iPad, the device that we are commonly used for browsing, is released by the Apple Company.
  • Period: to

    A New Revolution of Computer

    In recent years, the development of the computers have reached a major trent. With new innovations developed by electronic companies like Windows and Apples, the age of computer is expected to take a exponential leap forward