Evolution of Civil Engineers

By nng9790
  • 2630 BCE

    The Earliest Known Civil Engineer

    The first and earliest known civil engineer was called Imhotep, who most likely designed a pyramid called the Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt. With the first civil engineer arrived, there will bound to be more who will begin their journey as a civil engineer as well.
  • The First Proclaimed Civil Engineer

    The first known, or self-proclaimed, civil engineer was John Smeaton, who had constructed a lighthouse. He build a society just for civil engineers that would discuss and work on projects over time.
  • The First Civil Engineering School

    In 1863, the first school for primary civil engineering was established: called the Trustees of Rutgers College. This led to the first college for soon-to-be civil engineers to learn and graduate from.
  • Period: to

    The Education Level of a Civil Engineer

    Over time, the education of a civil engineer has barely changed, you needed a bachelor's degree to get a job; however, with a master's degree, you can get much farther than a bachelor's degree in this age.
  • Period: to

    Earnings of a Civil Engineer over Time

    Over time, the earnings of a civil engineer have seen to improve much more than an average profession, now reaching above $80,000 a year.
  • Number of Civil Engineers Over Time

    In 2006, an estimation was made that there were over 256,000 civil engineer in the engineer profession: much higher than any other profession.