
Evolution of Bolivian Education

By Naomyun
  • 1200

    Inca's Education

    Inca's Education
    Based on three aspects:
    AMA SUA, don't steal.
    AMA LLULLA, do not lie.
    AMA KEJLLA, do not be lazy.
    This education was class and sexist.
    For men there was the Yachaywasi, where they learn all kind of knowledge for about 4 years.
    For few women, there was the Ajilawaci.
  • 1500

    Colonial Racist Age

    Colonial Racist Age
    The Education was commited to the church. This Model was learn by hard. Indigenous people and man power were despise by creoles, who at this time were on the top of the social hierarchy.
  • Republican Period

    Republican Period
    No primary, no printing offices. The education could not go far without the required books.
  • Schools for some people

    Schools for some people
    The country had 60 primary schools, all of them in capital cities. Women and indigenous people were not allores to study.
  • Isidoro Belzú

    Isidoro Belzú
    This president for ordinance, reiterate, schools do not just do literacy, but also help the development of individual interests. Considerating the weather, context, manners.
  • Technique Education

    Technique Education
    In final years of XIX century, the capitalist economy state the need of a democratic and modern education, but only with the intention of getting a better manpower.
    Just few people could receive education.
  • Federal Revolution

    Federal Revolution
    The winning liberal current, developed a progress ideology, copying Europa's educational models. Showing the indigenous person as a flawed, defective being.
  • Warisata

    Elizardo Pérez and Avelino Siñani, created the Warisata's Ayllu School on April 2nd, as a rural school for and from indigenous people.
  • Franz Tamayo

    Franz Tamayo
    He suggests a national pedagogy, where he stands out the indian worth, and says: "the indian is the true repository of national energy. In these times, women were not allowed to join a school.
  • Foundation of a Educational Committee

    Foundation of a Educational Committee
    The Victor Paz Estensoro governance, imposed an universal education model, creating the bolivian educational committee.
  • Educational Code

    Educational Code
    This reform, through MNR eyes, was anti feudal and anti imperialistic; even though, for several researchers it was like the old model, colonial, which promoves the acculturation.
  • Against Reform

    Against Reform
    The town rise flags, in order to obtain the education right. Teachers, indians, countrymans, set out a war, supporting the Educational Code vigency.
  • Popular Congress

    Popular Congress
    The mastership promote polítics to update the country educational model, adding interculturality and bilinguism.
  • Dictatorships

    After Hugo Banzer took the presidential place, they forgone the issue about no education for women and children.
  • Congress

    The first National Congress about Bolivian Education. Emerged many bases for the Educative Reform.
  • 1565 Law

    1565 Law
    Interculturality and bilingualism, even though not many teachers implement it.
  • 070 Law, Avelino Siñani - Elizardo Pérez

    070 Law, Avelino Siñani - Elizardo Pérez
    Articulates the education to the new productive array, socio comunitarian development, science and technology development, the construction of the new statehood, taking into account also the ancestral organizational structures, and to live well.