Dandy Horse
- No pedals
- Had to push with leg
- No brakes and steering mechanism
First Three Wheeler
- Allows a more stable ride
- Has pedals and steering mechanism
- No brakes
- First true bicycle
- Includes cranks
- No brakes
- Dangerous
Penny Farthing
- It was not stable
- It was difficult to get on and off
- The front wheel was used for power and steering
Safety Bicycle
- Two wheels that are the same size
- Rear wheel connected and driven by a chain.
- Lower center of gravity.
Betty Bloomers
- Women started using bikes and were comfortable with long skirts
- Women were not limited to tricycle
Internal Hub Gears
- Used to change the gear of your bike
Electric Bike
- Has motor
Solar Powered Bike
- For commuters so when they leave their bike outside all day, they won't have to pedal home.
Future Bike