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Primal Computers and Programs - To the First Emergence of Personal Computers

By kidbuu
  • Charles Babbage and his calculating programs

    Charles Babbage and his calculating programs
    In 1813 Charles Babbage created a calculator that was able to compute math equations with up to eight decimals being used. This was a completely autoed machine that could complete math equations in 1813. By the 1830's the British Government had asked Charles if he would be able to complete a computer that could handle up to 50 decimals. His work was never finished and it was later picked up in 1937 by a special someone.
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  • The Introduction of the Z1 or VersuchsModell 1

    The Introduction of the Z1 or VersuchsModell 1
    The VersuchsModell 1 or Experimental Model 1 was the first computing device used to solve math equations. It was capable of addition and subtraction. Along with being able to multiply and divide by adding numbers together or taking numbers away from a principle. The computer was not always reliable. The computer and all of its destruction blue prints were destroyed in the 1945 Berlin bombings.
  • EDSAC or electronic discrete variable automatic computer

    EDSAC or electronic discrete variable automatic computer
    The designs began in 1947. Being finished in 1949, the EDSAC ran it's first successful program on May 6th, 1949. This happened at the Cambridge University Mathematics Library. The purpose of this computer was to act as a calculator. The university students now had an automated system that could accurately check the answers their work had been producing. Allowing them to alter whatever was causing the miscalculations.
  • Tennis for Two : The OG video game

    Tennis for Two : The OG video game
    In 1958 William Higinbotham Physicist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. He had theorized that making a playable game for the researchers would cause fascination and provide a morale boost He spent around 5 hours designing the game and two days to put the pieces together. On a mild night in October William was able to present his fellow partitioners with a fun game that could be ran off of an oscilloscope.
  • Emergence of the Market for Personal Computers in America

    Emergence of the Market for Personal Computers in America
    According to market trend studies, 1977 is considered to be the year that the American market began to have a high demand for personal computers. The Apple Computer, the Radio Shack TRS-80, along with the Commodore Personal Electronic Transactor were the top competitors. Along with practical/business computers being hot commodities this year. The Atari was also released, paving the way for all expectations of electronic gaming from that point foreword.