6000 BCE
The historical evolution of multimedia is as old as human communication, since we express ourselves when we speak, we write, we see others, we react with gestures and movements of the hand.
Antecedents of multimedia enpezo at the beginning of the millenium, the word multimedia was not necessary in the congresses of computation by the implications that it had in the exchanges of interaction between users of computers. -
6000 BCE
The invention of the transistor, as in the 50s, made possible the revolution of the computer, with the creation of the chip, electrical circuits and electronic cards, which provided compact units of processing and integration of the videos. -
5000 BCE
Sounds, facial expressions.
3000 BCE
360 BCE
Water base telegraphs
First telegraph
by Samuel Morse -
The telephone
first telephone exchange
First public service of Tv
First digital computer
First electronic computer called "ENAC"
The birth of high-speed digital communications.
Appears the MITS ALTARI 8800
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak made Apple
Appears the Apple ll
Microsoft made the Windows 1.0 and the fastest cd room
The internet is created
Birth of the INTERNET The "World Wide Web" (www)
The first game with 3D graphics appears by MYST
IP telephony begins
In the USA UU Digital Television succeeds.
JANSUDO. (2013). Cronologia de la evolucion de la comunicacion. 10/01/2018, de Nuestra cultura Sitio web: https://nuestracultura13.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/cronologia-de-la-evolucion-de-las-comunicaciones/