WW2 is declared, the Nazis start invading countries and destroying homes . .......................... website: WW2 facts,summery,history, dates -
the Nazis invade Poland leaving the country in ruins
............................Website: WW2 facts summary, history, dates -
as more countries are invaded by the Nazis more people are forced to immigrate ..................... . Website: WW2 facts, summery, history, dates -
by the end of WW2 70% of Europe's economy had collapsed and 1410 cites/towns were partially destroyed................... Website: WW2 facts,summary, history, dates -
1945-1965 (did not know what time span was)
from 194 to 1965 two million people immigrated to Australia ........................... Website: WW2 facts, summery, history, dates -
in 1947 the cold war starts and people in america and the soviet union fled their countries in fear of getting nuked and seeing Australia as a quiet and safe place to live ....................................Website: WW2 facts, summery, history, dates -
from 1941 to 1950 (did not know what a time span was)
from 1941 to 1950 1,035,000 people immigrated to the USA ........................... Website: WW2 facts, summery, history ,dates -
it is thought that 175 million people immigrated from Europe during WW2 ...................... Website: WW2 facts, summery, history, dates