French Canadian Men
As you can see by the picture down below it would've been a tough life living back then in the 1850s. These men in the picture are gathering up hay and saving it for future needs. Back then, as you can tell by the picture they didn't have much facilities and all the facilities they had then was also too expensive for them to purchase. Men mostly do more of the outside tasks and more rough and tough jobs in hand. -
Education for French Canadian children
In Canada West during the 1840s, Egerton Ryerson set up a systems of free elementary schools, but many children attended school rarely or not at all. Some religious organizations provided education for children, but these often charged fees, which many families could not afford. It was not until late 1850s that public schooling became available to everyone. In the picture down below you will have a clear look at Mr. Egerton Ryerson. -
French Canadian Women
You can tell by the picture it also must have been pretty hard to be a french canadian women back having all those chores to do. As you can see by the photo below the woman was carrying a handful of wheat to take home and make some bread to feed her family. That is one of many examples of how much work you would have done if you were a women in the 1850s. If I had a choice to live in the 1850s, I would say now because there is so much work in hand and you never relax with friends or family. -
Entertainment in the 1850s and 60s for French Canadian people.
There was little entertainment back then. Newspapers were popular. People wrote long letters to each other describing their daily lives. Visiting friends and family was a favourite pastime. Going to religious services on Sunday was an event to be looked forward to; it was a relief from the hard work of everyday life and a time for socializing. the picture down below is a perfect example of entertainment back then in the 1850s and 60s. -
French Canadian Children
In the 1850s and 60s very young children did not normally have household roles, but by the age of five they were expected to take simple tasks. Girls learned to spin, knit, sew, cook, work in the garden, milk the cows and care for the younger children. Although every farm was unique, in general young boys helped with feeding livestock and gathering firewood. Older boys would clear fields, build fences, and harvest crops.The picture below shows a boy working in the fields back then in the 1850s.