Cagenism, the religion I mentioned. Being born incites Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development, the 'hope' stage, by thrusting me into the world where I'll need to be cared for. In this ~18 month period, how my parents tend to and fulfill my needs ultimately decides whether I achieve the attribute of trust or mistrust in the world around me, of whether I can learn to rely on people or not. (Actual baby picture.) -
Toilet Training
(I don't know the exact date, nor when a child should start potty training, don't judge me man.) At two years, the child is in the second stage of development, the 'will' stage. In this case, being toilet trained would either provide me with a sense of autonomy or with shame and doubt, which is effectively dictated by whether I can successfully do perform tasks on my own without the assistance of others. -
First Day of School
Going to school for the first time was a key event in Erikson's third stage of psychosocial development, the 'purpose' stage. By going to school and meeting people, leading me to plenty of situations to show initiative. Depending on how my actions are responded to, positively or negatively, I will develop either a sense of initiative or a sense of guilt. (Actual picture of my first day of school.) -
Started Playing Sports
Playing sports is a good example of a key time in Erikson's fourth stage, the 'competency' stage. When I began playing sports, I relied on the response of my peers and my mentors (my father namely, since was also the coach) to lead me to either industry or inferiority (let's just say the coach didn't do a fantastic job in this respect). (This is an actual photograph of my first time at bat, at age six.) -
"Scene" Phase
Erikson's fifth stage, the 'fidelity' stage, is characterized by gaining a sense of self and gleaning wsdom and experence from socal relatonshps. So, by havng a sort of 'scene kd' phase, ths lead me to a better understandng of my sense of self and whatnot. (Actual pcture of me during my phase.) -
Finding a Passion for Psychology
Erikson's fifth stage, the 'fidelity' stage (which I talked about in the last event). Finding my passion for psychology has led me to understand myself more and know what I want to do in life. (This is an actual photo of my face when I realized I love psychology more than I thought I would.) -
My next foray into psychosocial development is the sixth stage, dubbed the 'love' stage. Success in this stage leads to intimacy and love and the works, whereas failure leads to isolation. I've chosen my inevitable marriage as this key event, at the ripe age of 29 years old due to the fact that becoming a clinical neuropsychologist generally takes about nine years of education after high school. (Yes, I managed to go to the future for a few minutes and snap a few pics.) -
Child Goes Off and Does Something Cool
Erikson's seventh stage is the 'care' stage. It includes adults feeling the need to contribute something to the world. Thus, having a child that goes off and does something fantastic is pretty cool because you created that person and you contributed them to the world. This leads to generativity or stagnation. (In this case, my son, Weston Cage, isn't a very good contribution.) -
Winning an Oscar
Erikson's seventh stage, the 'care' stage, explained in the previous event. Winning an Oscar (as a psychologist?) makes me feel very competent about myself and gives a feeling that I contributed a lot to society, leading to generativity. (You guessed it, actual photo.) -
Erikson's eighth stage is the 'wisdom' stage. This includes reflecting back on one's life and evaluating how meaningful their life was. This can lead to either integrity or despair. Hey, I died on Nicolas Cage's birthday. He was always my favorite actor. (Actual picture of my ascension into the afterlife.)