The Treaty of Paris
The War between Britain and France/Natives Americans ended on February 10 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Even after the war, the British still continued to fight a number of Indian rebellions including one led by Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa Indians. -
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 barred the English colonists from settling West of the Appalachian Mountains. This was to create a buffer zone between the Native Americans and colonists -- the idea was that if there was no contact between them, there would be no conflict. The colonists reacted angrily to this proclamation and many ignored the law and moved west anyway. -
Sugar Act of 1764
The Sugar Act halved the duty of foreign made molasses as well as put duties on certain imports. However smugglers still smuggled foreign molasses into the colonies. -
Stamp Act of 1765
The Stamp act was passed to put new taxes on all Americans colonists and required them to pay tax on ever piece of printed paper. The Sons of Liberty (founded by Samuel Adams) harassed tax collectors. This caused the Stamp Act congress to write a Deceleration of rights and Grievances. -
Repeal of Stamp Act
After months of protests from the colonists and harassment from the Sons of Liberty, the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and issued the Declaratory Acts. The act basically just said that the Parliament can tax the colonists whenever, but they won't right now. -
Boston Massacre
On March 5, a brawl between colonists and instigated British soldiers (Who were instigated by the colonists harassing them) broke out and 5 colonists lie died due to the brawl. Sam Adam and other colonial agitators used this to capitalize propaganda that the British soldiers are killing defense citizens. -
Boston Tea Party
The Tea act was passed to help struggling English Tea companies which cut colonial merchants out of the tea trade because they were being taxed. This caused a huge uproar and the colonists created the Boston Tea Party. In the Boston harbor, the Tea Party dressed as Native Americans, dumped 18,000 pounds of East India company's tea into the waters of the Boston harbor. -
Intolerable Acts
Parliament responded to the attack by the Tea party by, implementing the Intolerable Acts. One of these new laws was the shut down of the Boston Harbor. The Quartering act authorized British commanders to house soldiers into vacant private homes.Another law was to place Boston under martial law. The colonists were quick to react and created the First Continental Congress and in Sept. 1774, 56 delegates met in Philadelphia and drew up the declaration of colonial rights. -
Patrick Henry's Speech
On March 23 Patrick Henry gives his speech of "Give me liberty, or give me death!" This helped bring more moral to the other wise moral-less colonists who need that boost to support the beginnings of the Revolution. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Tensions had been building for many years between the Colonists and British authorities and on the night of April 18 hundreds of British troops and by the morning of April 19, the British Troops were retreating after the alarms were sounded by Paul Revere to send minutemen to the front.