Events to Revolution

  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    the treaty of paris of 1763 ended the the french and indian war with the british colonies as the winnter. it marked the end of france as a power in the north america. the continent was then divided between great britain and spain
  • proclamation

    the proclaimation of 1763 was issued by king george 3 tp stop colonists from settling past the appalachian mountains he did this to keep peace with the indeains and keeep the colonists on the coast.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act placed a tax on almost all printed materials in the colonies -including newspaper pamphlets wills and playing cards. it taxed so many items that it affected almost evreyone.
  • declaratory act

    declaratory act
    the declaratory act was passed the same day the stamp act was repealed it started that parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for all british colonies in all cases
  • town shed

    town shed
    these acts taxed imported goods and were to be paid at the port things taxed included items the colonists had to import like glass lead tea and paper
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    a fight broke out between boston colonists and british soldiers the townspeople threw sticks and stones at the soldiers a soldier was knocked down then they open fired crispus attucks and four other colonists were killed
  • tea act

    tea act
    parliament passed the tea act to keep the british east india company from going out of business it gave the east india company an advantage over over colonial merchants and the colonists felt it was another attement to control them
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    in response to the tea act sam adams and the boston sons of liberty dressed up like indians sneaked onto the ships in the middle of the night and threw 342 chests of tea overboard