Wilmont Provise
Designd to eleminate slaverly within land aquired as a result of mexican Mexican American war. -
Comprimise of 1850
Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of relokutions of 1850 in front of attent to seek a compramise and air and cards between M&N. -
John Brows Masacre
At Pottawatomic Creek 5 men were dragged from their cabin and masacre by John Brown and his 20 kids. -
Dread Scott Decision
Slave to someone then beccomes free and then the brother of the last ownerno so the wants him and the cslave says no and then the slave goes to court. The slave can't do anyhing though because he sNative American. -
Uncle Toms cabin
Protestthe fegutage slave law. -
Lincoln- Douglas Debate
Was a series of 7 debates between loncoln and Douglas both vyng to win the senateseat of Illonias. -
Confederate States of America are formed
Gonvernments of 2 Southern states that suceed from the Union.