Events That Led to The Declaration of Independence

  • The Stamp Act of 1765

    The Monarchy was trying to acquire more capital while in debt from the French and Indian War. They began taxing the colonies at questionable rates and that many printed items must be produced on stamped paper produced in England.
  • Townsend Acts

    The Townsend Acts introduced multiple new taxes including a tax on tea. The reason this was such an outrage to the colonists is because tea was an essential and normal part of everyday life. During this time, the British sent thousands of red coats to occupy Boston.
  • The Boston Massacre

    After tensions arose from The Townsend Acts, Bostonians were angry with British soldiers. When a wigmaker's apprentice got into an argument with a redcoat, 200 colonists gathered around 7 soldiers. After taunting and throwing objects, the soldiers opened fire and killed 3 men. They fatally injured 2 others.
  • Boston Tea Party

    After repealing the Townshend acts, the monarchy kept the tax on tea. In an act of rebellion, the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Tomahawks and snuck onto a British ship. They destroyed 9,200 pounds of British tea.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Completed in 1818, the Declaration of Independence was mostly written by Thomas Jefferson. It was the document that announced America's Independence from Great Britain.