Events That Impacted Education

  • The Common School

    Horace Mann, considered the Father of the Common School, proposed that all education was in the best interest of society. He made sure tax money went towards funding public school for all children.
  • DOE was created

    This agency is part of the Executive Branch of government and is tasked with collecting information on schools. Their objective is to help schools be effective in teaching.
  • Tuskegee Institute founded

    Founded by Booker T. Washington, the Tuskegee Institute educated African American children so that they could be vital additions to society. It still stands today in Alabama.
  • Middle Level Education

    The creation of middle and high schools eased the strain on elementary school populations. These schools also helped children transition into adolescence.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Before this movement, children were treated differently based on their skin tones. It was decided that all children should receive the same education and be treated equally.
  • NDEA was passed

    Passed by Congress, the National Defense Education Act supplied schools with funds necessary to further programs such as math, science, foreign language and engineering. Later down the road, other programs were added to those that the NDEA funded.
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    This act helped adults receive basic education, such as learning to read and write. Helping adults become better educated helps the community as a whole. Skills being taught can range from job training to parenting skills.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    The IDEA provides free education for children with disabilities. They can receive an education that works best for them and their needs.
  • Google is invented

    Google changed how students were able to learn. We are able to check facts within seconds, and resources are plenty.
  • Covid Pandemic

    Covid 19 rocks the world with nation wide shut downs of public schools. Students everywhere are impacted in some way, mostly negatively.