Justinian the First becomes Eastern Roman Emperor
Nika Riots in Constantinople
Justinian the First publishes the Code of Civil law
Gothic War begins in Italy as a result of Justinian's Reconquest
Gothic War in Italy ends
Muhammad, prophet of the Muslim God Allah, is born
Sep 9, 622
Muhammad begins migration from Mecca to Medina
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad dies
Oct 1, 732
Battle of Tours begins
May 30, 768
Beginning of Charlemagne's reign
Dec 25, 800
Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emporer
Jan 28, 814
Charlemagne dies
Aug 22, 843
Treaty of Verdun divides Charlemagne's empire
Dec 24, 962
Otto the great crowned Holy Roman Emporer
May 7, 1050
The astrolabe is first used in Europe
Apr 3, 1095
Pope Urban issues the Crusades to capture the Holy Land
Aug 28, 1096
Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims
Nov 23, 1117
The University of Oxford is founded
Dec 14, 1192
Muslims recapture Jerusalem during the Third Crusade
Sep 6, 1202
The Fourth Crusade sacked Croatian town of Zadar