Events of the Holocaust

  • Hitler comes to power

    Hitler comes to power
    Hitler was appointed chancellor then all the social parties passed the enabling act which gave Hitler power to rule.
  • The Nazi Race Law

    The Nazi Race Law
    Any person that had any Jewish ancestry from their grandparents would be defined as a Jew.
  • The Night of Broken Glass

    The Night of Broken Glass
    Hitler tried to get people to stop buying from Jewish stores. When it didn't work, he sent some people to destroy and vandalize Jewish businesses.
  • Search for refuge

    Search for refuge
    Jews in Vienna wait in line at a police station to obtain exit visas. Following the incorporation of Austria by Nazi Germany in March 1938, and the unleashing of a wave of humiliation, terror, and confiscation, many Austrian Jews attempted to leave the country and America saved them as they boarded the St. louis.
  • Mobile Killing Squads

    Mobile Killing Squads
    About a quarter of all Jews
    who perished in the Holocaust
    were shot by SS mobile killing
    squads and police battalions
    following the German invasion
    of the Soviet Union in June