Events of the French Revolution By Darclyn

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    Reign of Louis XIV

    From 1774 until 1793, so 19 years.
    Louis XVI of France: the Restorer of French Liberty, the Last, the Baker, the Martyr, the Martyr King, the Well-Beloved
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    Reign of Louis XV

    He was ruler
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    Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette

    In 1770, Louis XVI Marie Antoinette, a member of the Australian royal family .because Austria had often been an enemy of France, she was unpopular from the start
    On April 19, 1770 married by proxy in the Augustine Church in Vienna. She was 14.
    On May 16, 1770, their French wedding was held at Versailles.
    They did not consummate their marriage until
    • How was Marie Antoinette view by:
    the aristocracy/noble
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    Reign of Louis XVI

    From 1774 until 1793, so 19 years.
    Although France was in crisis during his reign, Louis did little to improve conditions for the middle and lower classes and had limited conact with them
    Louis did not have the support of the middle class
  • American Declaration of Independence

    Political philosophy philosophy
  • Affair of the Diamond Necklace

    Crisis for the government
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    The members of the first estate were the clergy. aristocrats formed the second estate .the middle class made the third estate
    The estate general met very seldom.
    The wanted the controller general of finances
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    The members of the first estate were the clergy. aristocrats formed the second estate .the middle class made the third estate
    The estate general met very seldom.
    The wanted the controller general of finances
  • Third Estate leaves the Estates General

    They met six weeks before the third estate broke Led by court Mirabeau ,a brilliant speaker and leaders, its members declared that they would form a new government known as the national assembly.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Led by count Mirabeau, a brilliant speaker and leader its members declared that they would form a new government known as the national assembly
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Here they took the tennis court oath ,a pledge that they would continue meeting until France had a new form of government
    Joyful crowds filled the streets of Versailles and Paris
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    The Great Fear

    If the revolution would stop they would stomed the chateaux of the aristocrats, and killed hundreds of people. Feudal certificates isolated Normandy or Brittany, the peninsulas to the south of the England channel
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Over the high price of bread For free political prisoners The king respond was to send troops to Paris and Versailles
    Citizens, determined to keep order in Paris ,formed a new army called the ‘’national guard’’, which was commanded by the marquis de Lafayette, a hero of the American revolution
  • National Assembly abolishes feudal rights

    It apolished all feudal rights and privileges and ended serfdom
    It declared all people equal before the law
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    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Basic human rights English philospher
  • Women of Paris march to Versailles

    To meet the king In Versailles, the women – covered in mud from their walk – attack the national assembly and stormed the place
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    Legislative Assembly

    The newly formed legislative assembly convened for the first time
    To many groups were struggling for power radicals wanted a republic; moa constitutional monarchy; and monarchists wanted to restore most of the king’s powers. In its finals stages , the French revolution seemed to turn on it’s leaders
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis was not interested in governing, and left many decisions to others
    Citizen Louis Capet),
  • Jean-Paul Marat - death

    They opposed to any deals with the monarchy
    Radical leaders of the revolution He was murdered In his bath tub
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    Reign of Terror

    • the Jacobins became radical and were responsible for the coming reign of terror
    it passed a number of harsh laws designed to intimidate or eliminate anyone who disagree with the radical Jacobins the laws of suspects, for examples , provided for the arrest of anyone of noble family or who had held office before the revolution
  • jacques Danton - death

    Radical leaders of the revolution Girondists
  • Maximilien Robespierre - death

    Radical leaders of the revolution He part of Gironists
    The metric system was introduced, as well as a revolutionary calendar. He was executed by the guillotine on 28 July 1794, without trial. yes
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    The Directory

    New government gave most of the power to people of property , which signalled a return to special privileges for people with money