Third Estate against the Government
The bankers from the Third Estate refused to lend any more money to the government. This was because the people found in the Third Estate were treated unfairly, they were being taxed half of their earnings,and the people were eager for change. -
The Third Estate Against the Government
The people from the Third Estate were treated unfairly and were charged half of their income. They were eager for change, so the Bankers of the Third Estate used Enlightenment ideas to do something and they refused to lend the government any more money. -
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Important Dates of the French Revolution
The French Revolution was a time were people fought for change, but there were many important events that needed to happen in order for the citizens to get what they wanted. -
Settling of the New Tax Plan
Instead of cutting expenses, King Louis decided to inflict charges on the nobility (Second Estate). The Second Estate forced King Louis XVI to call a meeting of the Estates-General so they could discuss and approve of a new tax plan. The first meeting in 175 years was held on May 5, 1789. -
A New Beginning
The Third Estate,urged for all three estates to meet together to vote on a agreement.There was a suggestion that the Third Estate name themselves the National Assembly and will be in charge to pass laws in the name of the French citizens.Due to the fact that there were as many delegates in the Third Estate than the other two estates combined, the idea of establishing the National Assembly was passed.They proclaimed the end of absolute monarchy and the start of representative democracy. -
The Fall of Bastille
A large crowd of people who were in search for gunpowder and arms, stormed into Bastille (a Paris Prison). The crowd overthrew the guard and gained control of the building. The attackers chopped the prison commander and several other guards to their death. They then proceeded to parading in the streets with the heads of the ones killed on their pikes. -
Start of Equality
During the night of August 4th of 1789, noblemen made splendid speeches, were they announced their love for liberty and equality. They joined the other members of the National Assembly in taking away the feudal advantages of the First and Second Estates which made commoners equal to nobles and the clergy. By morning the old political and social system was gone. -
The Rights of Man
The National Assembly brought upon a statement of revolutionary ideas, which was the Rights of Man and of the citizen. It was similar and reflected ideas of the Declaration of independence, stating that "all men are born and remain free and equal in rights". They all had the rights of security, liberty and property, freedom of speech, and a freedom in religion. -
March to Versailles
Outraged by the rumors that said nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants,the peasants decided to take action. On October more than thousands of Persian women protested about the rising price of bread.They waved their knives and other weapons as they marched through Versailles.They demanded to the National Assembly to give them bread but later turned their anger towards the king and queen,storming into the palace,killing some guards,and urged that Louis and Marie return to Paris. -
Runaway King
Louis XVI and his family are arrested while trying to flee from France. -
Reign Of Terror
This time period was named like this ever since Maximilian Robespierre gained control of France. He became leader of the Committee of Public Safety and ruled France similarly as a dictator would. The Public Safety Committee' chief job was to protect Revolution from their enemies but under Robespierre's rule, he had them killed in the Guillotine. Thousands more were sent to their deaths for unjustified reasons. It is estimated that as many as 40,000 were executed during the Reign of Terror. -
The Death of Robespierre
Shortly after the Reign of Terror ended, he was overthrown and executed by a guillotine in front of a cheering mob in the Place de la Révolution. -
The Constitution of 91' is adopted
By the time of 1791,delegates had made important changes in France's government and society.On September 1791,the National Assembly completed the new constitution,which was unwillingly approved by Louis.The constitution stated that there should be a limited monarchy which took a lot of authority from the king,but he still held the executive power.It also created a new body called the Legislative Assembly,they had the power to create laws and to either agree or disagree statements of war.