
Events of the Expanding World, 1450-1750

  • Period: 1450 to


    RED: Work and Exchange
    YELLOW: Peopling
    GREEN: Politics and Power
    PURPLE: Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture
    BLUE: Identity
  • Period: 1450 to

    Early Modern Era

    1450-1750, the time period displayed in our timeline, is also referred to as the Early Modern Era.
  • 1453

    Ottoman Empire overthrow the Byzantine Empire (GREEN)

    Ottoman Empire overthrow the Byzantine Empire (GREEN)
    In a conquest, the Ottoman soldiers overthrew the city of Constantinople and killed their emperor, spearheading the end of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus "discovers," the Americas

    Christopher Columbus "discovers," the Americas
    Christopher Columbus, in an attempt to find a direct trade route to India, stumbled upon the landmass we know today as America. Thinking he had arrived in India, he thought to call these natives "Indians," and traded with them. The trade efforts started by Columbus sparked an era of expansion, diffusion, and trade, hence the name "The Columbian Exchange."
  • Period: 1500 to

    Indian Ocean Trade Network

    Due to the inevitable desire for spices and exotic goods, India and neighboring countries in the Indian Ocean were subject to frequent trade.
  • Period: 1501 to

    Safavid Empire

    The Safavid Empire, being located between the Ottoman and Mughal Empires, had a severe lack of trade, and religious tensions caused the empire to weaken and collapse.
  • 1502

    Slaves to America

    Slaves to America
    The first slave is transported to the Americas
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's 95

    Martin Luther's 95
    Martin Luther, a radical monk seeking to oppose the Catholic Church's corruption and wrongdoings, writes a detailed list calling out every thinkable shortcoming of the Church. The list was called the 95 Theses, and was stuck to the door of the Church itself.
  • Period: 1517 to

    Protestant Reform

    The unrest and motivation stirred by Martin Luther caused multiple revolutions, riots, and widespread criticism and even hatred for the Church.
  • 1521

    Cortez takes over Aztecs

    Cortez takes over Aztecs
    Cortez led a siege of the Aztec's capital city, Tenochtitlan, for three months. After conquering the city, the Emperor's heir was executed, marking the final end of the Aztec empire, and Cortez was made ruler.
  • 1526

    Start of the Mughal Empire

    Start of the Mughal Empire
    The Mughal Empire, which will continue to play a role in conquest of lower Asia until 1857, begins its rise to power.
  • Period: 1543 to

    The Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution was a period of intellectual expansion and a rework of past ways of thinking. The thought of this period was often concerning astronomy
  • 1552

    Calvinism is born

    Calvinism is born
    John Calvin creates his own division of Christianity questioning the teachings and practices of the Catholic church at the time, several decades after Martin Luther.
  • 1562

    British Slave Trade

    British Slave Trade
    New farms established in the Americas provided a necessity for workers. In Africa, trade was booming, and among foods, spices, and non-perishables, slaves were often traded or purchased. The slave trade allowed Europeans seeking fortune in plantations in America to run their farms effortlessly. An estimated 10+ million African slaves were shipped to the Americas.
  • 1571

    Battle of Lepanto

    Battle of Lepanto
    The Catholic forces of Western Europe defended in a naval battle against the Ottomans, who sought to impose Islam to the sister states of Eurasia.
  • Jamestown is founded

    Jamestown is founded
    1607, 104 English men traveled to America seeking to establish a settlement. They picked a spot in Virginia, and named the city after King James I.
  • Period: to

    East India Trading Company

    England created a joint-stock trading company for trade in South Asia. After resources in the trade ran dry, the company fell.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    The Qing Dynasty in China sought to revive lost Chinese traditions from the country's prime, including social quality and Confucius' philosophies
  • Battle of Vienna

    Battle of Vienna
    The Ottomans launched an attack on the city of Vienna, but were defeated by the forces of Western Europe.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    After years of public upset, revolutionists overthrew King James II. It is known as 'glorious,' because the rebels accomplished so much without any bloodshed.
  • Period: to


    During the enlightenment, society sought to better understand the world in relation to math and science.