
Events of the Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta conference was a gathering held by the leaders of the United States, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. This meeting was held in order to come to an agreement on the reorganization of Germany and Europe. This conference lasted a total of an entire week.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam conference was a gathering held by the Leader of The Soviet Union, British Prime Minister, and The U.S. President. The goal of this gathering was to discuss the terms of ending WWII. This conference lasted until the 2nd of August.
  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    The Second Red Scare was the happened directly after the end of WW2. It all started when a little know Wisconsin politician claimed to have a list of 205 card-carrying communists employed in the U.S Department of State. This caused utter chaos in America.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine established by President Harry S. Truman stated in simplified terms that the United States would provide assistance to and democratic nation under external or internal authoritarian forces. This assistance varied but included political, military and economic assistance. This doctrine was established in 1947
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was an attempt by soviet forces to stop the travel/transportation into the City of Berlin. At the time, Berlin was in an area completely captured and controlled by Soviet forces. This blockade lasted until May 12th, 1949
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO was an alliance established to rival the creation of the Iron Curtain/Warsaw Pac. This alliance consists of the United States, Canada, and many Western European Nations.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean war was a battle fought between North and South Korea. The original invading party was North Korea. This war is nicknamed "The Forgotten War" due to it being overshadowed by World War II, which occurred several years later. This war ended with and armistice
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    The Cuban Revolution was the overthrowal of the current Cuban government, which was lead by Fulgencio Batista in 1953. The revolution lasted around 6 years and ended on January 1st of 1959. In the end, Batista was overthrown.
  • The Space Race

    The Space Race
    The space race was a pivotal period for all countries involved, due to the importance of intel in the upcoming age of warfare. The satellites that were launched during this time were commonly used to spy on and observe neighboring and apposing nations. Though, the space race's origins spans all the way back to the nuclear arms race
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war took place from November of 1955 to April of 1975. It was a major conflict during the cold war. It took place in Vietnam, Laos, Saigon and Cambodia.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The Suez Crisis (also goes by the Second Arab–Israeli War) was the invasion of Egypt by the British, French, and Israeli. This battle lasted under a month after the United Nations intervened in the battle.
  • 1960 U2 Incident

    1960 U2 Incident
    In May of 1960, an American spy plane was shot down overtop Soviet airspace. This resulted in the cancellation of the Paris Summit which was upcoming. The pilot ultimately lost his life.
  • Berlin Crisis of 1961

    Berlin Crisis of 1961
    The Berlin Crisis was the separation of East and West Berlin. The eastern half (inhabited by Soviets) erected a wall separating the 2 section. The event ended in November of the same year on the 9th
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    Soviet-Afghan War
    The Soviet-Afghan War was an attempted Soviet coup gone wrong, turning into a war that spanned longer than 10 whole years. By the time that the last Soviet pulled out, there were an estimated loss of 1 million civilian lives. The last battle was fought on "Friendship Bridge".
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    The Chernobyl disaster started when Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl Power Plant exploded near the city of Pripyat in northern Ukrainian USSR. The explosion killed 30 operators and firemen within only a three month period. It has continued to claim lives throughout the years