The Marshall Plan
The marshall plan allowed the US to loan money to Europe after World War 2 for Europe rebuild.
Also called European Recovery Program. or ERP for short. -
Creation of NATO
The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any party outside of NATO. -
China becomes Communist
Mao establishment of the Peoples Republic of China.
This is when China becomes Communist.
They are still communist to this day. -
The Korean War
Was a war between North Korea and South Korea.
US aided South Korea to try to stop communism.
USSR aided North Korea
Was a kind of tie.
Not a lot of change in borders -
The Creation of Warsaw Pact
Much like NATO was a mutual defence for nations, all these nations were the communist nations in Europe. -
Vietnam War
Fought between North Vietnam, which was supported by communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti-communist countries.
Viet cong very agressive guerrila warfare.
Ended up by North Vietnam annexed by South Vietnam.
Communist party in both North Vietnam and South Vietnam. -
Soviet Launch Sputnik
First satalite from earth.
The Soviet Union launched it into low earth orbit. -
Bay of Pigs
Failed attempt to overthrough government in Cuba.
Kennedy had option of using the U.S. Air Force, but decided against it.
Because of that Cuban army won.
Embarrassed the young Kennedy administration, -
Fidel Castro Comes to Power in Cuba
Casto becomes leader of Cuba by popular demand.
Makes Cuba Socialist
Makes Cuba one-partied
Castro formed an economic and military alliance with the Soviet Union, and allowed the USSR to put their weapons in Cuba, which caused the Cuban Missel Crisis. -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
The Berlin Wall was the division between West Berlin and East Germany.
Symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War -
Cuban Missile Crisis
A 13 day confrentation on which USA on one side and the other side USSR and Cuba.
Thought to be closet part of the cold war to nuclear conflict.
US considered attacking Cuba through land and air. -
Olympic Rivalry: 1972 basketball game
Big upset.
USSR defeats USA 51-50. -
1980 Olympic Hockey game
"Miricle on Ice"
Big upset.
US defeats USSR -
Fall of Berlin Wall
Symbolizes that Cold war is almost over.
Citizens on both sides of wall broke it down. -
Fall of USSR
Frustration with the bad economy created huge issues.
One by one the Baltic states start to depart from Moscow until the USSR was no more.