Chinese Revolution: Part II
of influence and enmity for both." -
Chinese Revlolution
(second part of Chinese Civil War) Known as the War of Liberation. Chinese Communist leader: Mao Zedong creates the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This ends the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (founded in 1921 in Shanghai) and the Nationalist Party which broke out immediately following WWII.
Andrew J. Nathan and Robert S. Ross certainly makes good sense: "During the Cold War, China was the only major country that stood at the intersection of the two superpower camps, a target -
The Korean War
The Korean War began with the conflict of the North Korean Army passing over the 38th parallel- invading South Korea. The U. S. was on South Korea's side for this war. American officials believed the invasion occured because North Korea was against the international forces of communism. The two countries kept going back and forth over the border with small but harmful attacks. After two years of this, the U.S., North and South Korea decided they wanted peace. In July of 1953, The Korean War came -
The Korean War: Part III
South Korea. The North Korean Army was well equipted and trained, with stability and power. On the other hand, South Korea was caught off-guard, frightened and confused. This war was basically an argument about communism This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. -
The Korean War: Part II
to an end. Overall, about 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives and the Korean peninsula is still being strictly divided today.The reason for the war calming down was due to Truman's statement saying that if the war continues like this it will provoke war with Europe and China- which is something that they wanted to avoid. The Korean War is related to the Cold War because it was very defensive and Americans though the main point of the war was to remove all the communists in -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a conflict between the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam. It was quite a long war. On the first of September 1940, Japan invaded Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh established the Viet Minh. Ten years later, The United States pledges $15 million worth of military aid to France to help them fight in Vietnam. U.S. troops go to Vietnam and help with the Easter Offense. -
Sputnik launched (and the space race)
Sputnik I, was the first earth-orbiting artificial satellite. The Soviet program had a 'space-race' compitition with the US. The US failed to get their satellite into space and the Soviet won. This acheivement earned the Soviet Union considerable prestige. They then had significant military implications and they deliver nuclear warheads to targets in the United States. This affected the Cold War because it made tensions between the US and Russia -
U2 spy plane shot down (Francis Gary Powers)
The U-2 Plane was pioleted by Francis Gary Powers- who disappeared while flying over Russia. They found out that the plane has been shot down because it was flying over Soviet territory for a long time. Khrushchev made this one of the most dramatic moments of the Cold War by producing the most intact wreckage out of a plane. After investigation- Eisenhower publically admitted that the plane was actually a U.S. spy plane.The USSR said that the attack made them seem more powerful than they -
U2 spy plane shot down (Francis Gary Powers) Part II
actually were. This was kind of a misconception making the U.S. feel impowered over the USSR when they actually had advancements they were not being open about. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion Part II
War because it sparked the Cuban Missle Crisis- which was one of the more terrifying events of the Cold War. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Bay of Pigs invasion was to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro's government. This attempt was unsuccessful because the Cuban exiles were stopped by Castro's army. The fighting ended the next day when many exiles have been killed or taken as prisoners. President Kennedy had the choice to take Cuba by air-force but decided against it. Such failure made Castro cautious of the U. S. because he thought Americans would attempt to take over Cuba again. The Bay of Pigs invasion is important to the Cold -
The Berlin Wall Goes Up: Part II
the wall acted as a blockade, cutting of the city from Western supplies. -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
East Germany have blocks the border between East and West Berlin, preventing an escape route for thousands of refugees from the East. Yet, some of them still tried crossing over the barbed wire and cement block wall. More than 500 people died trying.Train services and transportation had been stopped. The Berlin Wall became a problem to citizens and made them angry. For example, if you worked in the East but lived in the West, you could not go to work. Berlin was divided into four sections and -
Cuban Missle Crisis Part II
superpowers. It relates to the Cold War because it was one big confrontation. The U. S. felt overwhelmed by the missiles and wanted to avoid nuclear war with Cuba and Russia. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
USSR (Khrushchev) had sent nuclear weapons to Cuba for “defense”. U-2 spy planes showed evidence of USSR building missile bases on Cuba. Kennedy ordered a naval “quarantine” around Cuba to prevent Russian transportation. After negotiating with USSR, Khrushchev agreed to dismantle the bases in Cuba is exchange for the USA to not invade Cuba and for the USA to dismantle their bases in Turkey.
Nuclear Warfare was at its closest point to being a reality, tight tensions between the -
Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
Soviets, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Poland were the countries involved in the invasions. The Soviet Union led the Warsaw Pact to invade Czechoslovakia to stop reformists. This affected the Cold War because it was a dispute over Communism. Once these countries had arguments over the subject, it gave others the idea that it was 'okay' and led them to have invasions/attacks over Communistic actions. -
Russia invades Afghanistan
Around Christmas, the president of Afghanistan tried to rid Muslim tradition and replace it for a communist government in the country. Most of the country was against his ideas and sent Muslim leaders out of the capital and created a group of Muslims to be on a mission to find the holy god again. This forced Russians to come in to maintain the power of Amin’s government. Two days later, Amin is killed by Russians. This is important to the Cold War because it was during the war and caused -
Russia invades Afghanistan: Part II
the majority of the country to be angry. -
German Reunification/ Fall of the Berlin Wall Part II
This event is important to the Cold War becasue it signified the end of the war era.It was the last control over Germany. -
German Reunification/ Fall of the Berlin Wall
East German governments decides that it wants new travel regulations and then tons and tons of people galther at the Berlin Wall when the checkpoints finally open. They begin protesting against the regulations and want peaceful demostrations.The leadership of the Social Unity Party (SED) is unable to control the pressure, and the Berlin Wall falls. A year later is when reunification occured, The German states and Allies agreed on the political reunification with the Two- Plus Four Agreement.