Chinese revelution
Who : Japan, Peoples Republic of China, Chinese Comunist Party, and the Kuomintang Nationalist Party.
What : Japan invaded China and was attempting to spread communism through china.
How : This affected the cold war because the United States was trying to stop all of the spread of comunism. -
Korean War
Who : Koreas, USSR, Japan The United States. and China
What : North Korea attacked south Korea in order to Spread comunism to the south. After this war the north and south agreed to make a boreder along the 38th parallel.
How : This affected the cold war because it was a war that once again fought off comunism but the united states and the USSR where both fighting against each other. -
Urising in Hungary
Who : Hungary, and the Ussr.
What : The main reason for this uprising is that Hungary didn't want to be under the rule of comunist Russia any more and didn't want to be a comunist country which made all of the people revolt against the USSR rule.
How : this affected the cold war because as Russia was spreading comunism the United States was trying to stop it all so we fought with Hungary to try to push comunist Russia out. -
Sputnick was first lanuched
Who : USSR and The United States
What : The USSR launched the very first statalite in to space which lead to the United states and russia to compete against each other to create the best rocket to launch into space.
How : this affected the cold w3ar because this was one of the first thing that lead to the nuclear arms race against Russia and the United States. -
U-2 Spy Plane Shot Down
Who : USSR The United States
What : A U-2 Spy plane was flying over Russia in order to survey their military base in search of chemical wepons but the USSR realized that and shot it down in order to keep their secret hidden.
How : This affected the cold war because the spy plane actually found chemical wepons and the united states started sort of fighting back in order to protect ourselves. -
Berlin Wall Goes Up
Who : USSR, United States, Italy, and The UK
What : USSR built a wall around the part of Berlin that the united states was in charge of in response to the Unite States airlifting Supplies into East Berlin
How : This affected the Cold War because because the USSR wanted to try and for the democratic government out of Berlin so Russia can for them to be a communistic government -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Who : Cuba, USSR, United States, Turkey And Itally.
What : The USSR created a military base in Cuba which made it easier for their nuclear arms to reach The United States so we fought back and made a military base in Turkey in order to protect ourselves.
How : This affected The cold war because it was when we first actually threatened to use ourt nuclear arms and this was when we first went on the offensive in the entire cold war but we did not acutally fight any one. -
Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
Who : Russia, United States, and Afghanistan
What : Afghanistan was in the middle of a civil war so Russia invaded to keep the government in order but Russia killed the president and elected an official from Russia to help spread comunism in to afghanistan.
How : this affected the Cold War because we were attempting to stop comunism from spreading to all over Europe so The united States tried to stop Russia from taking over Afghanistan.