Chinese Revolution
The Chinese government was created into a republic. The events immediately led up to the Revolution because it began with an agreement that was signed on April 5, 1911. Later, a fight broke out among the troops in Wuchang and this was the beginning of the Revolution. It impacted the Cold War because for more than twenty years, there was limited trade and no ties between US and China. -
Korean War
North Korea launched a surprise attack on South Korea. The people in South Korea were unaware that the attack was going to happen. It eventually started a war that was expected to kill more than 3 million lives. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, was captured by the North Korean troops. The war begun with North Korean Leader Kim II Song's desire to unify the peninsula under Communist rule. The result was a 3 year war which ended in 1953. -
U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
The U2 Plane was shot down over russia, russia lied about there missel defenses -
Uprising in Hungary pt. 2
Hungary was crushed by Soviet tanks and troops during this time. Thousands were killed. wounded, a quater million Hungarians fled the country. -
Sputnik Lanch
During the Sputnik launch, 10 satellites were launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The first human to go into space was Yury Gagarin. Neil Armstrong was the first man on moon in 1969 -
Berlin Wall goes Up
The Berlin Wall was put up in 1961 because over 2 million people had escaped to east/ west germany. the wall make life harder for the citizens of germany who had family on the other side of country. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
U-2 spy planes were flown over cuba and the us. discovered a russian missle base. Kenedy responed with saying that is not acceptable. -
Uprising in Czechoslovakia Part 1
Due to the poor conditions in czechoslovakia the communisgt party replaced there current leader with Alexander Dubcek who established a socialistic democracy which would guarantee the freedom of religion, press, speech, and travel. He hoped it would improve relations with everyone. -
Russia Invades Afghanistan
The soviet troops inveaded russia because they didnt support the Afghanistan communist government during that time period over 30,000 troops were deployed to afghanistan