Chinese Revolution
the Chinese Revolution was a conflict in China between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China. The Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China argue over who is the legitimate government of China. The two governments never came to an agreement, which leads some to claim the war has not ended. Both still fight to say they are the government of China, wanting recognition from other countries. Ended with a victory of the Chinese communists over the nationalists. -
Korean War
The Korean War was the result of the division of Korea. The North decided to establish a communist government and the South declared a right-winning government. The 38th Parallel marked the border between the two governments. This border served as a political collision causing open warfare to arise. North Korea signed an armistice, ending the fighting. When the US threatened to bomb China, a ceasefire was declared by the UN and Korean forces. -
On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union decieded to launch a satellite about the the size of a beach ball causing a large uprise and surprise throughout America. This first artificial satellite marked the start of the space race. The Space Race was a rivalry between the USSR and the United States, competing to explore space first. This parked many scientific and technological improvements. -
5. U2 spy plane shot down
A United States U2 spy plane was shot down over the airspace of the Soviet Union. The US tried denying the purpose of the spy plane, but when the Soviet Union found the surviving pilot’s, Francis Powers, photos they admitted their mission. Francis Powers was sentenced three years in prison, and seven years of hard labor to follow. -
The Berlin Wall
West Berlin simply called the wall the “wall of shame” because it served as proof of the restriction on the freedom movement. Overall, the wall symbolized the “Iron Curtain” separating Western Europe and the Eastern bloc. On 9 November 1989 that all German Democratic Republic citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. This lead to the wall being destroyed only a year later in 1990. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall was a barrier made by the German Democratic Republic separating West Berlin from East Germany and East Berlin. They created the wall to prevent mass emigration. They posted large guard towers along the wall to help protect from any invaders. The wall was nicknamed "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart” by East German, claiming that West Germany had not been fully “de-Nazified”. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was between the Soviet Union and Cuba against the United States. The US placed nuclear missiles in Turkey and aimed them at Moscow. Nikita Khrushchev and Fidel Castro decided to place nuclear missile sites in Cuba to prevent any future invasions. When photographs were used as evidence, the US decided to create a military blockade. John F. Kennedy planned a secret agreement to disarm and return the Soviet Union’s weapons as long as they promised to never attack Cuba. -
Russia invades Afghanistan
By 1982, the Mujahdeen took over over 75 percent of Afghanistan. Mikhail Gorbachev lead the Russians out of Afghanistan when he realized they were outnumbered by the Muslims. -
Russia invades Afghanistan
When Russian Paratroopers landed in Kabal the Prime Minister of Afghanistan, Hazifullah Amin, tried to get rid of Muslim Tradition, making many people in Afghanistan angry. Amin lead a communist based government, getting rid of all the Muslim leaders. Many Muslims in Afghanistan joined the Mujahdeen, a group on a mission for Allah aiming to overthrow the Amin government. The Russians shot Amin on December 27, 1979 and replaced him with Babrak Kamal.