Events of the Cold War

  • Truman Signs the Marshall Plan

    Truman Signs the Marshall Plan
    Eupropean economic devestation from World War II lead the US to grant/borrow $13 billion in order to aid the european economic system. It was significant because it broadened the American market.
  • Berlin Airlift Begins

    Berlin Airlift Begins
    The US sends food, medicine, and things to the people of West Berlin. Without the US the citizens would have no way of getting these resources. This is significant because it shows the us taking a stance against communism.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    Creating the north Atlantic treaty organization, 12 western nations come together in attempt to defeat the USSR (a member of the Warsaw pact.)
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The war begins as 75,000 North Korean troops cross the North/South Korean Border. The US entered to the war to support south korea and is significant because it shows the US trying to stop North Korean communism.
  • Warsaw Pact Organization

    Warsaw Pact Organization
    Eight countries sign a petotion later known as the "warsaw Pact." Basically they promise to defend eachother on a military basis and is significant to the cold war because it shows the soviets saw NATO as a threat and as a result created the Warsaw Pact.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Ho Chi Minh and his troops claim power through communism. The US thinks that if the one Asian Country comes to ppower through communism other countries will follow. Troops were sent to Vietnam to again show the US stopping the spread of communism.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The U.S. tried to overthrow the Cuban government because of Fidel Castro by using cuban exiles as soldiers. This shows the US trying to rid cuba of communism.
  • Berlin Wall goes up

    Berlin Wall goes up
    East Germany builds a wall of concrete and barbed wire dividing the city into east and west berlin. It was significant to the cold war because it shows the rise of communism in Europe and specifically Germany,
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Kennedy releases information to the public of the Cubans storing Soviet missiles. The American public feared that a nuclear war would erupt. This was significant because the US saw Cuba as a threat through the use of the soviet union.
  • US Puts Man on the Moon

    US Puts Man on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon. This was significant because it shows that the US technology was much more advanced than the soviet union.
  • 1980 Hockey Game

    The US hockey team beats the four time champion soviet team. Though it wasn't the first place game, it did show the US becoming superior over the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Wall Takedown

    Berlin Wall Takedown
    The Berlin wall gets knocked over by the citizens of West Berlin. This was signifacnt to the US and to the Cold War because it showed the fall of communism in Berlin and the reunification of one city.
  • Soviet Union Collapse

    Soviet Union Collapse
    A few days before Christmas the Soviet declared 11 independant republics and announce the break up of the soviet union. The fall was mostly due to the odd reforms instituted by the USSR leader. It was significant because the US main enemy had fallen.
  • Soviet Union Launches the Sputnik

    The Sputnik is an unmanned spacecraft that the Soviet Union launched. This lead to the beginning of the "space Race" and showed the US was slighlty behind the Soviets technologically (space craft wise)