Events of Space Exploration

By CM1844
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  • Galileo Discovers moons

    1610- The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei
  • Uranus Discovered

    Uranus Discovered
    William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus
  • Ceres Discovered

    Ceres Discovered
    Guiseppe Piazzi discoveres Ceres
  • Galle Discovers Neptune

    Galle Observes and discovers Neptune
  • Sputnuk 1

    Sputnuk 1
    Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1.- October 4th
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  • First Successful American Satellite

  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    first spacecraft to reach the surface of the Moon
  • First in Space

    Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
  • First Woman in space

    Valentina Tereshkova first woman in space
  • First Landing on moon

    First Landing on moon
    Apollo 11 lands on moon.
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    1981-Present Day

  • First Space Shuttle Launch

    First Space Shuttle Launch
  • First Untethered Spacewalk

    First Untethered Spacewalk
    Astronaut Bruce McCandless made the first untethered spacewalk
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope
    Hubble Space Telescope Deployed
  • Pathfinder Probe

    Pathfinder Probe
    Pathfinder Probe Lands on Mars