Herbert Hoover elected President.
he was the 31's president of the united states, he easily won the election he promise better contidions fpr farmers and was a limited supporter of prohibiton. -
Stock Market Crash
The stock market crash was the most devastating of the history of the united states.It was the signaled the beginning of the 10-year great depression. -
Dust Bowl
Was a period of severe dust torms that affected and damage the ecology and agriculture of the U.S.A and Canadien prairies during the 1930's. -
Franklin Roosevelt elected President for his first term.
hes popularity was an avious choice to the democratic nomination.theis was the first of the 4 terms he serve, hes ther only president to serve more than 8 years. -
New Deal begins
The New Deal was a series of domestic programs in responce to the Great Depression during 1933 and 1938.It targeted the unemployed and poor in a effort to make the econimy better. -
FDR Court Packing Scheme
During President Roosevelt's first term in office, the Supreme Court struck down several provisions and statutes included in New Deal programs.He added new people to the supreme court.