Franco-Prussian War
This war lasted till May 10, 1971. It was betwwen France and Prussia. Prussia won the year long war, and the French had a humiliating defeat. The war led to the creation of the German Empire. The French had resentment and desire for revenge after the war towards Prussia. -
Accession of Wilhelm II to the German Throne
When he came into power the German foreign polices bacame aggressive. He also refsued a new treaty with Russia, as well as Austria-Hungry. There is contraversy over his role in the conduct of the war. Some say his Generals controlled him, others say he consideralbe poltical power. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo Japenese war lasted from Fevuay 8, 1904 to September 5, 1905. This war was between the Empire of Japan and Russian Empire. It was caused by imperial ambitions in Korea and Manchuria. -
Entente Cordiale
The Entete Cordidle happend on April 8, 1904. Ut was a bunch of agreements signed. This was between France and the United Kingdom. -
Moroccan Crisis
The Crises was casused by rance atempting to control Moroccot. It also occured because of Germany's attempts to cause tension with France and Britian. It occured from 1905 to 1906. -
Bosnian Annexation Crisis
The Bosnian Annexation Crisis occured from 1908-1909. It involved nine different nations. It began the the annexation by Austria-Hungary of the Balliean provinces of Bosnid and Herzegovina. -
Italo-Turkish War
THe Italo-Turkish War occured from September 29, 1911 to October 18, 1912. It is also known as the Turco-Italian War. It was fought between the Kingdom of Italy and Ottoman Empire. -
Balkan Wars
The Balkan wars lasted from October 8, 1912 to July 18, 1913. It started with the alliance with Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, and Bulgaria. They formed what was known as the Balkan League. They were formed to go against ottoman Empire, they stripped their empire and dived the land amongist themselves. Bulgaria went against the allies becasue the dispute over partition of Macedonia. The Bulgaians were defeated within the month. All of the Balkan Leagues success shocked most of Europe. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
Conspirators involved in the revolutionary Mlada Bosna assassinated Franz Ferdinand and his wife. He was the Austro-Hungarian heir presumptive. The Dual monarchy accused Serbia of being behind the assassinations. THey have been determined to eliminate Servian threat, they just needed a reason. With them killing Ferdinand, they found their reason. This event triggered the war. -
July Ultimatum
Austria-Hungary made an ultimatum to Serbia. Vienna intentionally imposed impossible demands to Serbia because they wanted war for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. A few days later, The Austro-Hungarian troops invaded Serbia causing World War I