territorial disputes ( the loss of Alsace Lorraine from France to Germany)
After the Franco Prussian war, France ended loosing the territory of Alsace Lorraine, a loss who France never got over -
Triple Alliance
Otto von Bismark, saw France as a dangerous power because he believed that it still wanted revenge from the ango-prussian war. To prevent France to reveal toward him, he made alliances with Austria-hunary and with itally. it became the triple alliance -
Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes ruler of Germany
Kaiser Wilhelm becomes ruler of Germany, forcing Bismark to resign and changing Germany´s foreing policy dramatically -
formation of the triple entente
Great Britain, Russia and France made an entente, which leteraly means mutual understanding between them in response of the triple alliance. -
Anexation of Boznia and Herzegovina to Austria-Hungarian Empire.
Austria feared that as Serbia now was a powerfull neiborhood, efforts to create a slavic state would stir rebellion among it Slavic population so thet anenexed Bosnia and Herzegobina. -
by this year, almost all the countries of eurpoe except Great Britain had large, standing armies with good military inteligence and new armament. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
in a trip to th city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, Archuduke Franze Ferdinand, the heir of the austria hungary throne and his wife sofi, were shot in an open car by Gavrilo Princip a serbian who belonged to the Black Hand, a secret society against Austrian rule. -
The ultimatum as punishment of Austria to Serbia
After the loss of the royal pair, Austria-Hungary as punishment presented an ultimatum to Serbia, containing numerous demands -
Austria declares war to serbia
after presenting the ultimatum, Serbia did not agree with some statements and Austria-Hungary declared war inmediately. -
Germany declares war on Russia
due to their allinaces, germany declares warto russia