The Great Northern War
(1700-1721) Fought between Sweeden's Charles XII and a coalition led by Peter the Great. By the end of the war, Sweeden lost supermacy as the leading power in the Baltic Region and was replaced by Peter the Great's Russia -
The Decembrist Revolt
The liberals felt threatened by NIcholas I's conservative laws. Liberals were defeated by the czars forces. Many new regulations were implemented by Nicholas I to prevent the spread of liberal movement in Russia -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
He freed the serfs and they gained few political rights and they were allowed to keep their homes and tools. The serfs had to buy land at very high prices. Alexander II relaxed cencorship and encouraged the building of schools and improved health care. -
Assassination of Alexander II
He was assassinated by a group who wanted land reform. He was killed by a bomb when he was driving in his buggy. -
The Russo-Japanese War
(1904-1905) Russia was defeated by Japan and enforced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy. The war developed out of rivalery between Russia and Japan for dominance in Korea and Manchuria -
Bloody Sunday
Factory workers presented a petition for better work conditions and some political freedoms. The workers carried banners with pictures of the Czar and his wife singing the Czar's hyme. Suddenly soldiers appeared and shot the group. Many were killed and wounded. -
Revolution of 1905
Bloody Sunday sparked this revolution. Riots and strikes swept the cities and peasants looted and burned landowners houses in countryside. The DUMA was set up to make minor reforms. -
World War I
Serbian nationalist asassignated Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Russia was part of the Allies and more than 9 million soldiers died and 21million were wounded. The Treaty of Versailles was signed. -
March Revolution
Angry crowds protested the war and shortage of food. The government sent troops, but the troops refused to shoot anyone. Demonstators overthrew Czarist offials. A week later, Nicholas II abdicates. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian Throne
Nicholas II was forced to abdicate the throne by Petrograd insurgents. A provincial government was installed in his place. The army garrison at Petrograd joined striking works in demand of social reforms.