The Great Northern War
Peter the Great saw that in order to expand Russia's greatness he needed to gain some access to the Baltic Sea. So the Great Northern War began between Sweden and Russia and lasted for 21 years. In the end Sweden lost giving Russia access to the Baltic Sea. -
Decembrist Revolt
A revolt led by the Decembrists or upper classes with military backgrounds. They formed an uprising after the death of Alexander I to refuse to take oath under Nicolas I. Instead they demanded the accession of his brother Constatine. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Alexander II saw Russia was falling behind in modernization due to Serfdom so he declared Serfdom abolished. US slavery was abolished two years after. Alexander saw that Serfdom deprived Russia of a military and food and also made Russia overcrowded. -
Czar Alexander II Assassinated
Czar Alexander II was killed by a bomb thrown by a member of the "People's Will" group. They were a group who tried to overthrow the autocracy goverment in Russia and had killed many officals and had made several attempts at killing the czar before suceeding on March 13, 1881. -
The Russo-Japanese War
In a contest for dominace in Korea and Manchuria Russia leased Port Arthur from China. The war was started from a rivalry for dominace in the east. It all started with a surprise attack on the Russian naval fleet at Port Arthur. Japan was at an advantage from the start with more ground troops as it had built it's army up from it's previous war with China. -
Russian Revolution of 1905
The Russian Revolution was a uprising crucial to convincing Czar Nicholas II to change the forms of goverment. The Russian people wanted to change the goverment from and autocrat to a constitutional monarchy. Many efforts were put forward such as strikes, student riots and terrorist assassinations. In the end the uprising failed to change the government. -
Bloody Sunday
A group of workers led by radical priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon marched unto the Czar's winter palace to speak their demands. The Imperial force opened fire on the workers killing and injuring hundreds. Strikes and riots broke out throughout the country leading Nicholas II to form Dumas. -
World War I
WWI got off to a bad start for Russia. Defeat after defeat weakened Russia in the war and Nicholas II dreamed of leading the army. Rasputin a monk had predicted that Russia was going to lose the war but Russia kept fighting. By the end of the war the opposing side had advanced to only 200 miles from Moscow. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian Throne
In March 1917 army garrison at Petrograd and striking workers joined together demanding Socialist reform of the goverment. The result was Czar Nicholas II gave up the throne. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution was a time of change in Russia. It was a small part of a bigger revolution known as the Russian Revolution. During the March Revolution the Czar abdicated and they established the freedom of press.