300px russian revolution of 1917

Events leading up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War
    Peter the Great was czar at this time. The Great Northern War started in 1700 and lasted till 1721. In November sweeden counter attacked and sent in 8,000 soldiers. In resonce to that russia sent in 23,000 solders and badly deffeted them.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    A group of military officals staged a revolt againt Tsar Nicolas 1. The officers drove a revolt because they thought Nicolas 1 dident diserve the thrown any more. The officals were defeted in Nicolases forces.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
    Alexander II talked to Mascow and asked them to help the serfs. Insted of letting them rise by them selfs he wanted to help them. Emancipating the serfs let them to have rights. They got to marry and own bussineses by there selfs. All they had to do is pay in monthly payments, in which the goverment set up littlle tows and land for them to use.
  • The Assassination of Alaxander II

    The Assassination of Alaxander II
    Alexander II was killed in the streets of St. Petersburg in Russia. A bomb was throwen at him by one of the members of the Revolutionary group. This was knowen as a terrioust attack, they wanted to overthrow Russia by killing all the mebers f the government and Alexander II
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    This war was a short war lasted from Febuary 8,1904 to September 5, 1905. This war was knowen to be the "first great war of the 20th centary". Russia went into war thinking they were going to will and get the land on bodies of water they wanted, but they were n for a rude awakining. Japan defeted the Russian ary and brought them to shame. Russia has lost the war they started.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was a great massacre in St. Petersburg, Russia. There were peaceful unarmed Demonstrators marching to present a petition to Czar Nicholas II. When all of the sudden the Imperial Gardes started to shoot and kill about 200 inisent people.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The 1905 Revolution was a political and social unrest that went through the Russian Empier. This was an uprising of the people to change there government. It all started with a peaceful protest on January 22. And this all started to change the relationship between Nicholas the II and his people.
  • World War I (Russian invovement)

    World War I (Russian invovement)
    World War I was knowen to have a big impact on Russia. Durring this time czar Nicholas II was in power. Nicholas went to war as there general to help. Some time in November in 1915 Germany and the Austrians pushed Russia back. This lead Russia to attack Turkey. This all started with Austria declaring war to Serbia leading Germany to declare war on Russia.
  • The March of Revolution

    The March of Revolution
    This was during World War I with Russia that this happend. This left Many villigers angry because the war lost Russia 1,000's of lives. one the communists took over the royle family became a problem. it was thought to belive that the family would still fight but the people dident want that. in order for that not to happen the family had to be exicuted. In the summer of 1918 the family was taken away to be exicuted.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
    Czar Nicholas II started ruling in 1894, but in 1917 when he was abdicated from the throne, by petrograd insurgents they put a provincal government in his place.