The Great Northern War
Fought by Sweden's Charles XII and a coalition lead by Peter the Great. Sweden had lost her supremacy as the leaing power in the Baltic region and was replaced by Russia -
Decembrist Revolt
A group of military officials called, "Decembrists",staged a revolt on Tzar Nicholas I, thats what caused the Decembrist Revolt in Senate Square, St.Petersburg. The picture on the left is the Decembrist Revolt in Senate Square. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Tsar Alexander II spoke before the gentry of Moscow and asked them to consider emancipation of the serfs, adding that it would be better to begin to abolish serfdom from above rather than wait for a rising from below. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Czar Nicholas II didn't want to, but was forced to abdicate the throne by petrograd insurgents -
The Russo-Japanese War
began with the Japanese naval attack on Port Arthur, had its roots in the simultaneous determination of both Japan and Russia to develop 'spheres of influence' in the Far East, mainly at the expense of China -
Bloody Sunday
It happened in St. Petersburg, Russia, where unarmed, peaceful demonstrators marching to present a petition to the Tsar Nicholas II were gunned down by the Imperial Guard while approaching the city center and the Winter Palace from several gathering points. The shooting did not occur in the Palace Square. Bloody Sunday was an event with grave consequences for the Tsarist regime, as the disregard for ordinary people shown by the massacre undermined support for the state. -
The March Revolution
as a revolution focused around Petrograd (now St. Petersburg). In the chaos, members of the Imperial parliament or Duma assumed control of the country, forming the Russian Provisional Government. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
Russia also saw itself as the champion of the Slav peoples in their struggle for independence. about 1,700,000 Russian soldiers died in action during World War I.