The Great Northern War
Russia and other nations (Denmark and Saxony Poland) created an anti-Swedish coalition just before the war each nation had its own reasons for joining. The war finally began around March in the 1700s. The war developed into a struggle for survival. On August 30, 1721 Sweden and Russia signed a peace treaty. In the treaty Sweden had to give up all possesion in the Baltic. Other nations now feared Russia and their power many signed treaties with Russia. -
The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was an attempt of some nobles and army officers trying tooverthrow the Czar and start a constitutional monarchy. In response to this Nicholas I the Czar at the time made a lot of restrictions, he banned books that might give liberal ideas, he sent his secret police to spy on people, and those convicted of treason were banished to Siberia, his actions enforced Russian nationalism and autocracy loyalty. -
Czar Alexander the II Emancipates the serfs
Factories didn't have enough workers to progress well because most of the people were serfs, Alexander the II realized this and freed the serfs. Though even though the serfs were free and had some political rights times were still hard for tem, poverty was everywhere. -
The assassination of Alexander the II
The terreorist group called Narodnaya Volya made it their goal to assassinate the Czar. After many attempts they finally succeeded. Just before his death the Czar was thinking of making reforms where an elected few would be introduced in the apparatus of the government. One Alexander the II dies Alexander the III thought about going through with these plans bu instead strengthened autocracy. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Korea sought Russian help because they didn't want to be under Japans rule. The war was defeate after defeat for the Russians, this increased economic hardships. -
Bloody Sunday
What started out as a peaceful march led by Father Georgi Gapon leading workers who came to ask their czar for better working conditions and some political freedoms, turned into a massacre. As the crowd was moving dowards the palace to apeal to the czar a group of soldier came up and under order they fired into the crowd killing and wounding many. After this the people started riots and strikes throughout the cities -
The revolution of 1905
this is the retalliation of the people in response to bloody sunday. Strikes and riots broke out everywhere. Even armed forces joined in the riot. Where the riots were particularyly bloody special armed forces were sent to put out the rebellion. -
World war I
Russia frst enetered the war when Germany declared war on both Russia and France forcing the Russians to defend themselves. The war ended in defeat of the russians, between 900,000 - 2,500,000 russians were killed, The war put the russians in a high debt, inflation happened and the ecenomy dropped. -
Czar Nicholas the II abdicates the throne
The rebelling people of St. Petersburg (town called Petrograd) along with soldiers who had aboandoned the military forced Czar Nicholas the II to abdicate the throne. A provisional government then took the Czars place. -
The march revolution
Results were the end of autocracy and instead a provisional government was put in its place.