The great northern war
lasted from 1700 - 1721. This war was fought between swedens charles XII and peter the great. In the end sweden was defeated leaving russia as the new major power in the baltic sea! -
The decembrist Revolt
the decembrist revvolt took place in russia! A small group of nobles and army offficers tried to overthrow the czar's goverment in Decembe 1825. Czar quickly crushed the uprising. He executed 5 leaders and exiled hundreds to Siberia. -
The assasanation of alexander the II
He was assasinated at Winter palace, in saint petersburg, Russia.Czar Alexander II, the ruler of Russia since 1855, is killed in the streets of St. Petersburg by a bomb thrown by a member of the revolutionary "People's Will" group. The People's Will, organized in 1879, employed terrorism and assassination in their attempt to overthrow Russia's czarist autocracy. They murdered officials and made several attempts on the czar's life before finally assassinating him on March 13, 1881. -
Czar alexander 2 emnacipates the serfs
The serfs demanded to be emnacipated, so Czar alexander emnacipated them in1886. After this over 23 million people had more freedom and rights. -
World war 1 (russian involvment)
Russia came involed into world war one with his allies, Britian and France, in fighting Germany andAustria-Hungary. Both Sides came into the war confident, but germany did not talk over russia, because russia won, mostly because germany was not prepared for the weather. -
The russo-japanese war
1.Competition between Russian & Japan for territory in the Korean region.2. Russia lost 2 of it's 3 battleship fleets during the war.3. The only remaining battleship fleet, the Black Sea Fleet mutineed in 1905 (Potemkin).4. Battle of Tsushima validated laying of the keel for HMS Dreadnaught in Oct 1905.
5. HMS Dreadnaught would create an arm's race which would lead to WWI. 6. War brought Japan on line for fighting in WWII as a primary combatant.
7. War brought Russia to the break of Revoluti -
bloody sunday
.So someone named Father Georgi, who was a young priest, decided to have a peacful march of factory workers to the Czar's palace in St. Petersburg.
The plan was for the workers to present a petition to nicholas
ll, askingfor better working conditions and some political freedom. As they marched Nicholas was not in the town, and the cheif of security ordered the police to open fire on the marchers. 100 were killed and hundreds were injureded. -
revolution of 1905
The event of bloddy sunday horrified russians and sparked the Revolution of 1905. Riots and stikes wentt through cities, and in the country side peasants looted and burned the homes of land owners. Czarnicholas 11 ended the violence by setting up and elected assembly called the Duma. -
Czar nicholas ll abdicates the russian throne
Czar nicholas 2 abdicates the russian throne becuase after all of the strikes he was never considered a good leader, and was kind of forced to abdicate. All of his troops turned on him, so he just gave up everything. He later got shot for messing up the country so bad, -
The march revolution
Riots and stikes errupted in russias capital city , Petrograd. Angry crowds protested for bread and peace. Word got out fast about the protest and demostrators throughout czarist officals. Only a week after all ofthis protesting began, Nicholas 2 abdicated.