Adolf hitler 45

Events Leading to WWII Timeline

  • Selective Service Act is passed

    Selective Service Act is passed
    This law authorized the United States government to recruit all man between ages 21 and 30 for military services in World War l.
  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
    Hitler took advantage of his developed public speaking abilities to move crowds and soon became the leader of the Nazi Party.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact signed

    Kellogg-Briand Pact signed
    The pact was signed to prevent another war from happening by renouncing to war as a tool of foreign policy.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria to extend their natural resources so their industry could grow, but they were accused of war crimes against China and criticized by many countries.
  • Enabling Act of 1933 is issued

    Enabling Act of 1933 is issued
    This act enabled Hitler with full dictatorship power and he came to enact this law through intimidation and persecution.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935 signed

    Neutrality Act of 1935 signed
    It prohibited the export of any military aid to foreign nations at war growing a isolationist movement and a neutral position.
  • FDR wins a third term as president

    FDR wins a third term as president
    This was an unprecedented event because no president had ever been elected more than two times and this meant he would be a participant in WWII.
  • A Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response

    A Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response
    A. Philip Randolph started a march on Washington D.C to fight industrial and military discrimination of African Americans and president Roosevelt responded to this request with the Executive Order 8802.
  • Lend-Lease program

    Lend-Lease program
    This program consisted in the United States lending any type of military aid to those countries whose defense was vital to the US with the promise that America would be paid back after the war.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor with the objective of destroying important American fleet army, which would allow Japan to conquer Southeast Asia without America's inteferance.
  • Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States

    Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States
    The Nazi Germany declared war to the US as a way to support its Japanese ally and as response to the supposed provocations made by the United States.