Selective Service Act Passed
The Selective Service Act, also known as the Selective Draf Act, was passed by congress in 1917. This act required all men ages 21 to 30 to enlist in the draft for the military. The requirement of this 'lottery' was because after the U.S. entered WWI, there were not nearly enough soldiers and workers in the military that had willingly joined. -
Hitler named leader of Nazi party
In 1925, Hitler announced the reformation of the Nazi party in Munich, Germany and himself as the leader. He changes the Nazi party to become more of a political party rather than a group trying to reform and revolutionize Germany using power. -
Kellogg-Briand Signed
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was a mutual agreement attempting to eliminate war as a tool of national policy. It was the most impressive of a series of peacekeeping efforts after World War I. -
Japan invades Manchuria
Not declaring war, Japan invaded Manchuria, part of Northeast Asia, in 1931. This act broke the League of Nations as they stripped the area of its natural resources. Due to Japans little resources during the war they were looking for oil, rubber, and lumber. -
Enabling Act of 1933
The passing of this Act is what put Hitler as a dictator and removed democracy from germany. The meeting took place in Berlin where German government officals met to go over the act. It gave Hitler, and German Cabnent members, the power to pass laws without the concent of the German legislation (Reichstag). -
Neutrality Act of 1935
On August 31, 1935, Congress passed the first Neutrality Act prohibiting the export of “arms, ammunition, and implements of war” from the United States to overseas nations at war and calling for arms manufacturers in the United States to apply for an export license. -
Philip Randolph's March and Roosevelt's responce
A. Philip Randolph first planned a March on Washington in 1941 to protest against governmental hiring practices that left out African-Americans from employment. It was not successful at first but many years later it would. Because of this, President Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 8802, which banned discrimination in the federal government and defense industries in June 1941. -
Lend-Lease Program Enabled
The Lend-Lease Act was the main resource for providing the U.S. military help to foreign nations during World War II. It allowed the president to transfer arms and other defense materials that Congress funded money for by allowing the transfer of supplies without reparation to Britain, China, the Soviet Union and other countries. The act allowed the United States to support its war interests without going too far into battle. -
FDR Wins a third term as President
Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Democrat and was reelected as president of the United States for a record third time, defeating Republican, Thomas Dewey, who was the governor of New York at the time. He became the first and only president in history to win a fourth term in office. -
Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked America's naval base, Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. Thousands of American's died and over 20 ships were destroyed. Days after this attack, President FDR declared war on Japan, entering the United States into WWII. -
Hitler Decalres War on United States
The United States which had statred as neutral in the war, was brought into WWII after Germany declares war on the US. Germany was under contract with Japan to help if they were attacked, but Hitler thought the U,S. would eventually decalre war on Germany. He was against Roosevelt for his insults to the Nazi army and when the United States declared war against Germany, WWII had started.