Approaching omaha

Events leading to WW2

  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
    Hitler was elected to be the chancellor of Germany by Paul Von Hindenburg, he settled a regimen called the Third Reich which was also known as the Nazi Germany. The first two empires were the Holy Roman and the German Empire, the third Reich was recognized as the Third Empire.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact signed

    Kellogg-Briand Pact signed
    It was an international agreement that states that war must not be used as a conflict or problem solver.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    The Japan empire of Kwantung Army invaded Manchuria which took to the Mukden Incident. From this came the name of the puppet state of Manchukuo.
  • Enabling Act of 1933 is issued

    Enabling Act of 1933 is issued
    This act established by the German Reichstag gave Adolf Hitler the responsibility to be in charge of dictatorial powers.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935 signed

    Neutrality Act of 1935 signed
    This act was created with the purpose of prohibiting the trade of war materials within the ones in war which caused the voyage of people by their own way and exposure.
  • Selective Service Act is passed

    Selective Service Act is passed
    This act consisted in the participation of all men between 21 and 30 get into military services, the peacetime conscription consisted on the participation of selective services.
  • Lend-Lease program enabled

    Lend-Lease program enabled
    This was an agreement that provided many aid and many equipment to countries on World War 2.
  • FDR wins a third term as president

    FDR wins a third term as president
    Franklin D. Roosevelt won elections against a republican called Wendell Willkie, he is the only president that has won elections for more than 2 periods.
  • A Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response

    A Philip Randolph’s march and Roosevelt’s response
    This march had the purpose of convincing United States that the armed forces must be desegregated, achieving this African Americans could have fair works. This occurred in Washington and was leaded by Philip Randolph, Roosevelt agreeing with this prohibits the discrimination in the defense industry and signed the executive order 8802.
  • Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States

    Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States
    United States had declared war on Japan and due to this Germany declared war on the United States. The united states was neutral during World War 2 so this was recognized as a provoke from them.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    Was an attack that occurred in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was from the Japanese navy to the United States naval.