Period: to
French and Indian war
The French and Britain both wanted the resources west of the Appalachians, so they settled it like gentlemen and started a huge war. It was Britain, Colonists and Indians vs. French and Indians. French and company took an early lead but Britain made strategic changes and won the war. The effect of the war was the colonists weren't allowed to move west of the Appalachians because Britain didn't want the colonies to know about the nice resources there. Britain also paid for protection in colonies. -
The Sugar and stamp acts
Since Britain paid for protection in the colonies from the war they were in debt. They had to get money back somehow. So they put taxes on sugar, molasses and made colonists pay for a stamp when buying paper goods in the colonies. Sugar and molasses were a big import in the colonies so the acts really did damage. Colonists responded with boycotts and riots and the acts were undone. But then Britain set a law called the Declaratory acts saying Parliament could make laws as they please. -
The Townshend Acts
Britain was still in debt from the war and paying for the army protecting the colonies so they needed money. Using the Declaratory acts they made taxes on glass, lead, paper and tea to get money back. The Patriots didn't like this so they smuggled stuff, made goods at home, boycotted and attacked tax collectors houses. The secret group of patriots called the Sons of Liberty planned the attacks. Britain heard about this and sent more troops and disbanded the Massachusetts legislature. -
Boston Massacre
Some 50 colonists gathered outside the state house in protest of all the recent taxes. The were angry with the soldiers and were throwing things. So the soldiers shot and killed 9 people because they felt threatened. The soldiers were put to trial for this and defending them was patriot John Adams who believed in fairness. Two soldiers were charged with manslaughter and all soldiers were called out of the colonies by Britain to be kept safe. -
Boston Tea Party
Every thing that Britain put taxes on the taxes had been removed. Except for one. The tax on tea. This tax wasn't bad for the colonists but it still violated their rights. They got angry and the next tea import they threw all the tea overboard in protest. Now it was Britain's turn to be angry. -
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were a series of acts put in place for Boston as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. These acts were also intended to scare other colonies to realize this could happen to them too. These acts actually united the colonies and other colonies sent resources to Boston. Many loyalists and neutral colonists saw these acts as unfair and many of them became Patriots. -
Period: to
The First Continental Congress
The colonists grew scared and felt violated because of the Intolerable acts. So the colonies wanted to meet and discuss matters. They decided not to fight and sent over a list of things they wanted done in Britain. They made armies just in case.