The First Blood of French and Indian War
The French ad Indian war was an important war. It completely decided the culture of North America. The main reason the French and Indian war started is because greedy England and France both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley. It was the place with most west of the Appalachian Mountains. -
The French and Indian War Comes to an End
The effect that the french and Indian War had on the colonies was not the greatest. England thought they did a good job, and they helped the colonies by making them safe. So, they thought it wasn't evil to put tighter control and more taxes to pay for the war. The colonists didn't agree. They thought these actions were outrageous. -
The Sugar Act
The Sugar act were taxes put on Sugar and Molasses imports to help pay for the war. The patriots made their opinion known by rioting, protesting, not paying taxes, and boycotting British goods. They also would often throw rocks through taxpayers windows. The loyalists however, would pay taxes, wouldn't protest, and maybe hide from the crazier patriots. Britian, in response to the patriots, declared the Declaratory Act, which stated that Britian made the laws, not the colonists. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a act that made colonists put stamps or seals on paper items to help pay for the war. The patriots made their opinion known by rioting, protesting, not paying taxes, and boycotting British goods. They also would often throw rocks through taxpayers windows. The loyalists however, would pay taxes, wouldn't protest, and maybe hide from the patriots. Britian, in response to the patriots, declared the Declaratory Act, which stated that Britian made the laws, not the colonists. -
The Townshend Acts
The Townshend acts were duties put on paint, paper, lead, tea and glass imported from Britain. They were put in place so Britain could pay military expenses and governor salaries. Patriots would riot and perform violent protests. They also did large boycotts and created the Sons of Liberty. Loyalists however, would just pay their taxes, and one governor, Francis Bernard, ordered more troops to calm the patriots. Britain agreed and eventually sent more troops. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was event in which protesting colonists were massacred by British soldiers. The reason for this event was that since Britain were putting lots of taxes the colonists, the colonists rioted in front of the customs house to get their attention, which ended badly. The Patriots were the ones protesting/ rioting, while the loyalists are supporting British in saying it was the Patriots fault. Britain eventually took all troops out of the colonies to restore peace. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was when 50 patriots dressed up as Indians and dumped 342 crates of tea in the Boston Harbor. The patriots were getting tired of being controlled, so they protest by dumping Britain's tea in the water. The Patriots were the ones dumping the tea, they were mostly Sons of Liberty Members, while the loyalists frowned upon the colonists and maybe have sent a letter to Britain. When Britain found out, they closed the Boston Harbor, and sent troops into Boston again. -
The Intolerable Acts.
The Intolerable Acts were a set of "Intolerable" laws that were put in place to punish the colonists for their patriot actions. Patriots were very mad, and were figuring out what to do next. The loyalists, however, were questioning their loyalty and some were becoming patriots. -
The First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates to discuss what the Colonies should do next. The patriots really wanted to share their ideas and also wanted to rebel. The loyalists responded by saying no to all the patriots ideas, and they compromised on sending the King some demands. When King G3 saw these demands, he refused and ordered British troops to take the colonial militia's weapons. They met from September 5th, 1774 to October 26th, 1774.