The Great Northern War
Peter the First declared a war against the Swedish Empire. He Gained ground in the Baltic region. He captured a section of land through winning the war. In it was the Baltic port of Petograd (now Saint Petersburg). -
Decembrist Revolt
Military soldiers, about 3,ooo, revolted against Nicholas the first. The rebellion was quickly supresed. -
Alexander the Second Emancipates Serfs
Alexander II Emancipates the serfs before any tensions were bound to tight for he feared being overthrowed. The lords gave the serfs the worst chunks of land and often less then they were supposed to. -
The Assasination of Alexander the Second
Alexander finally fell to a bombing plotted by the Peoples' Will terrorist group. The group had sent three young bombbers each with his own bomb. The first bomb killed a driver of the carriage a guard and passerby. Alexander came out and the second bomb blew his legs off ruined his face and tore his abdomen. The third bomb in a briefcase wasn't needed -
The Revolution of 1905
Worker and peasant unrest proved to become a major threat. It eventually caused the creation of the Duma. This made it seem like the people had a limited power when they had virtualy nothing. -
Bloody Sunday
Peaceful protestors lead by father Gapon marched toward the Winter Palace with a petition. The soldiers there were readied and gunned down the protestors. Father Gapon survived. -
End of Russo-Japanese War
The war is fought from 1904 with a series of land and sea battles with Russia lacking needed weapons. Russia's power crumbled and was almost completely gone by the peace talks. -
Nicholas Abdicates Throne
With the fleet nearly to complete destruction from the Russo-Japanese war. Nicholas made a poor descision of joining World War One. There to Russia was defeated and growing tensions forced Nicholas to abdicate his throne. -
March Revolution
Workers and peasants took to the streets and overcame police and the army sided with the protesters. -
Russia in WWI
Russia had intial success, but was quickly driven back from every offensive. They were poorly equipped and suffered greatly. The constantly changing government and internal conflicts with strikes caused more damage and Russia had to drop out.