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Events leading to civil war

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was a compromise proposed by Henry Clay. The compromise said that the state of Maine would be admitted as a free state. Through Missouri would be a slave state. It also stated that people living in the South that are slave owners could pursue escaped slaves into free states.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This event involves Proviso. Proviso had a proposal to ban slavery in Texas. His proposal was one of the events that lead to the Civil war. This took place in Congress.This event took place because the U.S. did not know what to do with Texas after it was claimed as theirs. The people in Texas wanted to join the south but that would make the number of free slaves a slave states uneven. This was Proviso proposal on why it should be a free state. One o the events that lead to the civil war is the
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was proposed by the famous compromiser, Henry Clay. It stated that Congress would make California a free state, The people in the territories of New Mexico and Utah had popular sovereignty over slavery, the slave trade would be ended in D.C, Congress would pass Fugitive Slave Law, Texas would give up New Mexico for 10 million dollars. The act was made to keep the peace between the north and south over the subject of slavery it was proposed in D.C.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This event involved and took place in congress. The Act was made when slaves would run away to the north so the north made an agreement later on to the south that the southerns can bring back their slaves or get new ones in the north.History r embers this event impacted history because it killed many people who tried to escape.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Uncle Tom´s Cabin was a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book showed what slavery was really like in the South the north was sickened to find out what slavery was. The novel was written in Maine, and she wrote it after hearing about the fugitive slave act. This very novel inspired many abolitionists and the book was very successful a top seller. The south said that the book was fiction, denying what they already know.
  • Kansas Nebraska / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska / Bleeding Kansas
    Douglas was one out of the many people who have took place in this event. Some resorted to violence because of hatred for the other political party. Kansas had taken a while to become a free or not free state but eventually became a free state. 50 people died in Kansas because of this debate against or for slavery. The event took place because of extreme abolitionists and extreme democrats. This impacted history by showing how dangerous a state without certain laws and policies can be.
  • Dred Scott Case 1857

    Dred Scott Case 1857
    The Dred Scott case which took place in March of 1857 was a very profound civil case. The man it was named after is Dred Scott he fought for the freedom in court. His owner was John Emmerson. He moved multiple times with Dred Scott. Dred Scott and his wife who lived in Alabama were moved to Missouri than taken to Wisconsin through the Wisconsin territory is free meaning he should have been there. Through the court decided 11 years later that he could not argue in court as he was not a citizen.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    This involves Lincoln and Douglas.In this event Lincoln would make speeches and so would Douglas trying to pursue the audience to vote for them in Illinois. It took place because an election was going to happen and Lincoln and Douglas both ran with totally different views.The debate impacted history by showing Lincoln's opinions late leading to his election.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown attacked slave owners in Virginia. This event took place because some abolitionists become extremists and stated to get violent. This impacts history because it shows the commitment people have when it comes to fighting for rights.
  • Lincoln's Election of 1860

    Lincoln's Election of 1860
    Lincoln, Breckenridge,Douglas, and Bell were apart of the election.
    Lincoln was elected to become the president by popular sovereignty in Virginia. The last presidents time was up and they had to elect a new one.Lincoln started the Civil War.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    In 1865, many states in the South seceded. These states were Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas. This all started with South Carolina, Lincoln was elected knowing that slavery could end. Fort Sumer which is close to South Carolina had multiple US soldiers not confederate so South Carolina told them to go they stayed and got supplies through it was fired on later Lincoln did same but no weapons it made it their through South Carolina took the fort down.