Missouri Compromise
Conflict between free and slaves states reached a high point in 1819 when Missouri applied to be a slave state. Congress was torn so they created a compromise that made Missouri a salve state and Maine a free state. This also divided the country into free and slaves states, drawing a line across the former Louisiana territory. The country was evenly dividied and Missouri disrupted the balance. This contributed to the civil war because it made for more political unrest on both sides. -
Abolitionist Movement
The abolitionist movement aimed for the end of slvaery, rasism, and segregation. This form of radical abolitionism wass somewhat propted by the second great awakinning. A lot of people saw racism as religously immoral so they joined the movement. This contributed to the cause of the civil war because it created a large resisitence against the south. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book written by Harrient Beecher Stowe intended to show people of the north the evils of slavery that they didn't know about it. The book asserts the idea that slavery could be overcome by Christian love. This bookwas considered a big catalyst in starting the civil war because it made the north realize the pressing need of abolition. -
John Brown and Bleeding Kansas
John Brown was an abolitionist that was infavor of violence as a way of gaining freedom. The Kansas-Nebraska Act determined that popular sovereignty would decide if the area were to be a free of slave state.Groups of both parties gathered in Kansas and much blood was shed, refered to as bleeding kansas. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred scott was a slave brought and used as a slave in a free state which lead him to believe that he had the right to be free. Scott took this to court and they ruled against his freedome. They did this because it went against the fifth amemndent which declared him as his masters property and there for not a human. This contrbitued to the cause of civil war because it now allowed slavery throughout the nation because the constitution trumps state law. -
Ablemen vs Booth
Ablemen vs Booth was a US Supreme Court case that determined that state courts cannot issue federal rullings that contradict the federal courts. This was a cause of the civil war because it was just another thing impeding the north from accomplishing abolition and to protect the south's "right" to slavery. -
The Election of 1860
The election of 1860 was a driect cause of the civil war. The south had already suceeded and lincol won because the northern states had a greater population yeilding a higher amount of electoral college votes. This started the war because Lincold was not in favor of slavery expansion. -
Southern Succesion
The first seven succeeding states set up a government in Montgomery, Alabama. More states joined and they moved to Richmond, Virginia. The southern succession was very influencial in the cause of the war because it was the cause of the war. Lincoln wanted to preserve the union and the south wanted to keep slavery so they succeeded. -
Fugitave Slave Act/Underground Railroad
The fugitave slave act was a set of laws that allowed the capture and return of runaway slaves. These laws were the most controversial of the 19th century and the north tried to pas laws that went around them and they were denied by congress. The spirit of abolition remaind high in the north and this act drove the two unions further apart. This act crontibuted to the civil war because it allowed southerners to "capture" escaped slaves in free states which caused controversy bewteen the states.