Christopher Colombus reaches the Ameraca
He set out to find another way to get to Asia and found the Americas instead. He started Spanish colonies there. -
Spanish take African slaves to Hispaniola
The African slaves were to replace the natives that had been slaves that died. -
Cortes arrives in Tenochitlan
Tenochitlan had over 100,000 people when Cortes arrived. It was an Aztec city -
Cortes defeats Aztecs
. He conquered Tenochtitlan and leveled it to make Mexico City. -
Bartolome de las Casas Argues agains enslavement of Native Americans.
He wrote to the king about believing that it was wrong to have natives as slaves. At first he thought it would be a better idea to have Africans as slaves but changed his mind later in life. -
Pizarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas
He asked the king to go conquer because he thought there was a lot of gold there. The king let him go and he killed many Incas as he conquered them. Good for Spain, bad for Incas. -
John White returns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappered.
The English Colony disappeared and no one knows still what happened. -
The English Found Jamestown
The English start a colony in what is now Virginia. The first place that they made the colony didn't work well for them and they had to move the colony. -
Champlain founds Quebec
Champlain started a colony for the French. It was located on the St Lawrence River. -
House of Burgesses formed
First form of government in Virginia. It was filled with representatives. -
The Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth
It was an English colony that settled in what is now Massachusetts. Most of the people came because of religion. -
Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland abourd the Ark.
He worked for a priest. He was the first African Colonist to arrive in Maryland. -
William Penn establishes Pennsylvania
He started and English colony where Pennsylvania is today. He was a Quaker. -
Georgia, the 13th English Colony, is founded
James Oglethorpe established the colony for England as a good place for poor people and people from debtors prison to go. It also served as a colony to border the Spanish colony.