meeting and getting to know my step dad Chris
While I was living in Idaho my mom began dating people, and one day she brought home a guy named Chris. As a child a lot of the men my mom brought home weren't good people, so I was reluctant to trust him at all. Over time I learned how amazing he is, and he is a role model to me even today when my mom and him aren't together. -
Meeting an old friend of mine, Sam
While I was living in Idaho, I didn't have many friends aside from my step brother and a younger kid down the street. Eventually I met Sam, he and I did a lot of crazy and stupid things together and without him I doubt I'd be the person I am today. We're still friends to this day, and I plan to visit him sometime soon. -
The move from Idaho to Arizona
I had lived in Idaho for four and a half years, and my mom finally decided to move back to Arizona. She left before my step-dad and I did, so he and I packed what was left and worked together to get everything ready to go. It was a long journey, and we both shared many thoughts and overall our relationship grew because of it. -
The day my grandfather passed away
My grandpa Chandler has something along the lines of Alzheimer's, and so he was slowly passing away. Him and I spent many days together watching MASH and some other old TV shows, and I could understand what was happening. At his wake, I saw my father cry for the third time in my life and this was just another step towards my understanding of death. -
The day I met my best friend, Ella
I met my best friend Ella about three years ago, over the internet. It isn't well advised to trust people you meet over such a medium, but I went with it and we had video called over Skype. Ella tied into many other extremely important events in my life, and has been with me through most all of my highs and lows. -
My trip to Spain
I got invited to Spain by Ella and her family, and I knew I'd be a fool not to accept. There I learned a lot about their culture, Ella and I shared a lot of experiences and love. I got my first piercing there, and learned so much about the people I was with, and the new environment I was thrust into. -
The relationship I tried to fix for a year and a half
Ella and I had a relationship for about a year and a half, and I had a hard time letting it go when it ended. I tried for about the same amount of time it lasted to fix it, and it never really worked out. Her and I are still amazingly good friends, and she means the world to me. -
The day my sister Ana was born
My youngest sibling Ana was born about a year and a half ago, and she is such a precious little thing. The reason her birth affected me more than the birth of my other siblings is because I have a different perspective now, as opposed to when I was younger. Through her I believe I will grow in many ways, and learn how to be a goof parent when my time comes. -
my last trip to Wyoming
Over my last trip to Wyoming I got to see some amazing family members, the most notable of them being my great grandma Chandler who was the reason we were all there. It was her birthday so we all went to celebrate together. Shortly after she caught Pneumonia which ended up taking her life, and through that I learned how I truly feel about the way we all pass away. -
Going to see one of my favorite bands live
Last Halloween I got to see one of my favorite bands, TooL, live. It was amazing to see them perform, and have the opportunity to see what is likely one of their last concerts. They played all my favorite songs, and they did it so amazingly well it was something of a spiritual experience.