Events in my life

By Hetrick
  • Born

    When i was born
  • Government Shutdown

    Government Shutdown
    Budget crisis occurs causing federal government to shut down which then put economy into a recession. my parents were involved in the recession which would in terms affect me.
  • Blizzard of 1996

    Blizzard of 1996
    Blizzard hit the entire east coast covering it with a blanket of snow. Perkasie recieved 27 inches of snow. This affected me because I was stuck in my house for 2 days.
  • Lewinsky scandal

    Lewinsky scandal
    bill clinton was impeached from the presidency because of sexual relations with a intern. this affected me because with change of a president comes new laws and regulations that affected my family as well as everyone elses.
  • George Bush

    George Bush
    George Bush becomes president and this affected everybody because he was going to lead our country and pass new laws and regulations.
  • Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

    Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
    the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 was put in place by george bush and cut tax rates as well as simplified the reirement plan on the united states. this cut taxs which puts more money in the hands of the people which helped everyone.
  • war in Afghanistan

    war in Afghanistan
    This sent many people overseas as well as became a great expense for the US.
  • 9/11

    19 terrorists hijack four planes and crash them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people and injuring over 6,000. All civilian air traffic is suspended for 3 days, the first time an unplanned suspension had occurred in U.S. history.
  • Facebook

    Facebook was made which made communication with friends and family much simpler.
  • Oil Price rises

    Oil Price rises
    U.S. oil prices hit a record $147 per barrel in the wake of—among other factors—international tensions and the falling U.S. dollar vs. the Euro. this affects the price of gas.
  • Obama

    Obama was voted into the presidency.
  • simulous package

    simulous package
    U.S. President Barack Obama obtains Congressional approval for the $787 billion stimulus package, the largest since President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • Obamacare

    The controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is passed by razor-thin margins in Congress. The ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reducing the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government.
  • hurricane Sandy

    hurricane Sandy
    Hurricane Sandy devastates the Northeast Coast, killing over 100 people.. Extreme damage is found on coastal regions of New York and New Jersey. this strom caused major powerloss and damages all over the northern east coast.